Program Learning Objectives

The Mathematics and Science Division of  COM-FSM PNI Campus provides a quality mathematics program  and core natural sciences.
    The Students enrolled in mathematics program will be able to:

1. define arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical concepts
2. calculate arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical quantities using appropriate technology.
3. estimate arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical solutions
4. solve arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical expressions, equations, functions, and problems using appropriate technology.
5. represent mathematical information numerically, symbolically, graphically, verbally, and visually using appropriate technology.
6. develop mathematical and statistical models such as formulas, functions, graphs, tables, and schematics using appropriate technology.
7. interpret mathematical and statistical models such as formulas, functions, graphs, tables, and schematics, drawing conclusions and making inferences based on those models.
8. explore mathematical systems utilizing rich experiences that encourage independent, nontrivial, constructive exploration in mathematics.
9. communicate mathematical thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely to others in the oral and written form.

    The Students enrolled in core natural science program will be able to:

1. define fundamental concepts, principles, and theories of science.
2. gather scientific information through experiments, field work, and research.
3. perform experiments that support the development of scientific theory.
4. utilize appropriate laboratory and field work procedures.
5. interpret and express the results of experiments.
6. explain observations of new phenomenon, systems, and entities, using the theories of science.