Very Basic Excel


Today we will learn a few basic things about Excel and then I will show you how to arrange a grade book.


Open the Excel program—you should find it on the desktop or in the Programs menu.  You will find yourself in a blank notebook filled with empty rectangles.  The rectangles are called cells and are where you enter data and formulas.


The cells are referenced by column and row.  The cell in the upper left corner is cell A1.  The cell next to it is cell B1.

The cell below A1 is A2, etc.


Enter the number 2 in A1, 3 in A2 and 4 in A3.  We are now going to have Excel do some calculations on this data.



In D1 we are going to enter a formula.  This formula will tell Excel to add up the numbers we just entered.  Formulas start with an equal sign “=”.  Click on D1 and type “=Sum(A1:C1)”.  Hit Enter.  D1 will now contain the sum of the numbers in Row 1 from Col A to Col C.

Let’s find the average of the numbers.  In D2 type “=AVERAGE(A1:C1)” and hit Enter.  You should see 3 in D2.

Now we will insert a new column.  Click on the B that heads up Col B.  Right click the mouse and select Insert.  A new blank column is inserted into the spreadsheet.  Now click on E1—the formula now says “SUM(A1:D1)”—it has been updated to include the new column.  D2 is also updated.


Enter “5” in B1.  Notice that the sum and average are automatically updated.


Let’s get rid of the data we entered.  Place the pointer on A1, click down and drag to highlite all the cells in columns A to D and rows 1 and 2. Left-click and select “Clear Contents”.  (Shortcut—hit the delete key).  All the data and formulas entered will be deleted.


      Bold button


        Center button

Let’s enter some data for student grades.  We will enter:

  1. a row of headings
  2. some names and scores
  3. a row of the total number of points for each assignment.

Notice the Toolbar that starts with “Arial”.  If you don’t see this, go to the  View menu -> Toolbars -> Formatting. 

You can use this toolbar for formatting.  To bold the headings, select them and click the “B”.  To center data, select it and press the button with the centered lines.


We should make sure Excel treats our scores as numbers.  Highlite the scores and totals, right-click and select “Format Cells…”

Click the Number tab, select Number and set the Decimal places to 0.



Kevin just added the class.  We need to add him to the list.  Click the number 3 to highlite row 3.  Right click and select Enter.  A new row is entered.


Click on A3 and enter data for Kevin.


Here is the current spreadsheet.


Before finishing the grade book, let’s practice a bit with formulas.  Suppose we wanted to know the total number of homework points earned by each student.  We would use a Sum() formula.   Click on E2 and enter the formula to sum up Bill’s homework points.





Don’t forget to use the “=” before typing the formula.



Hit Enter and it looks like this.  We could enter a similar formula for each student, but this is tedious.  We will “DRAG” the formula down. 


Place the white cross on the lower right-hand corner of E2(it should turn into a black cross), click and hold the left-button on the mouse and drag down to E5.  Then release the button.


Click on E2 and look at the formula in the formula bar.  Now use the down arrow to move down through the rows.  Observe that Excel updated the formula on each row to sum the scores in that row.  Delete these formulas, as we won’t be needing them.  We will finish the grade book…


Let’s suppose we had two tests each worth 100 points and a final exam worth 200 points.   Create headings and enter scores for each of the students.



I have created data for two tests, a final exam and added a column where the final average for the course will be calculated.  A bit of mathematics—the course average for Bill is the sum of his scores divided by the sum of the totals in Row 6.  Enter the formula like this:




So what are all those dollars signs ($) about?  When we drag down the formula, we want the cell references in the numerator of formula to be updated for each row, but we want the references in the denominator to stay the same for each student.  The “$” tells Excel to keep that cell reference the same for each row as the formula is dragged down.


Enter the formula like above and type enter.  Then drag down to Row 6.  Format the cells in Col H to be numbers with 2 decimal places.



Here is what my spreadsheet looks like.  I have centered the data and emboldened the bottom row.  If you do not have the number “1.00” in the last column of the totals row, then you have made a mistake in your formulas.  The “Course Average” is in decimal form.  For example, Bill has an 89% average for the course.



Here are some exercises you can try:


1)      Suppose Kevin complains that he deserved a better score on his first test.  Update his first test score and watch how his course average is automatically updated.

2)    Make the Course Average be displayed as percentages.  There are several ways to do this.  One is to rewrite to formula.  Another is to use the “Format Cells” option.