Country Adult literacy rate (x) Infant Mortality
Rate 2012
per 1000
live births (y)
Marshall Islands 93.7 31
Fiji 93.7 19
Papua New Guinea 62.4 48
FSM 89 31
Kiribati 92 46
Nauru 96 30
Samoa 98.8 15
Tonga 99 11
Tuvalu 99 25
Vanuatu 70.5 23.1
Palau 92 15
Cook Islands 95 9
Timor-Leste 58.3 48
Solomon 84.1 26
Guam 99 5.41

The data in this quiz explores whether there is a relationship between the adult literacy rate and the infant mortality rate for selected Pacific island entities. For this quiz use the second and third columns of the table below. The first column are labels to identify to which Pacific entity the data points refer. Adult literacy refers to the percentage of adults who are declared to be literate by the source nation, the infant mortality rate is the number of infants who die before their first birthday per 1000 live births.

  1. What is the level of measurement?
  2. Calculate the sample size n:
  3. Calculate the slope for a linear trend line. Round the result to two decimal places. If the slope is negative, include the negative sign.
  4. Calculate the y-intercept for a linear trend line. Round to two decimal places.
  5. Calculate the correlation coefficient r for the data. Round to two decimal places. If the correlation is negative, include the negative sign.
  6. Is the relation between the variables positive, negative, or neutral?
  7. Is the correlation none, weak, moderate, strong, or perfect?
  8. What percent in the variation in adult literacy rate accounts for the variation seen in the infant mortality rate? Express the answer as a decimal and round to two decimal places.
  9. Use the slope and intercept to calculate the predicted infant mortality rate for an adult literacy rate of 80. In the calculation use the unrounded slope and intercept values in the spreadsheet. Round the final answer to two decimal places.
  10. Use the slope and intercept to calculate the predicted adult literacy rate for an infant mortality rate of 40. In the calculation use the unrounded slope and intercept from the spreadsheet functions. Round the final answer to two decimal places.
  11. Does the data prove that low adult literacy rates are the cause of high infant mortality rates?
  12. Could the data be used to support increased funding of education and literacy programs as part of an effort to reduce infant mortality rates? Put another way, does the data lend support to the idea that increased literacy is associated with reduced infant mortality?

Baby Evan