Kikkoman Yamasa

price volume vol/price price volume vol/price

1.19 148 124 1.67 500 299

2.52 296 117 2.89 1000 346

1.97 500 254 5.22 1800 345

3.49 591 169

1.69 600 355 <- The most soy sauce for the least money!

3.24 1000 309

Waikiki, Honolulu
4.98 1200 241

Price Volume vol/price
6.75 1800 267

2.15 148 69
6.28 1890 301

2.59 296 114

4.29 591 138
Kikkoman Yamasa
5.99 1200 200
slope 295.71 slope 363.17

Intercept -163.38 intercept -83.93
In Honolulu, the best value is 200 ml per dollar

correlation 0.9464 correlation 0.9989
In Pohnpei the best value is 355 ml per dollar

On Pohnpei, Kikkoman is the better value than Yamasa