Quickie Quiz 3

The data and graph is of a runner running from the College campus up to Bailey Olter High School via the back road past the powerplant in Nahnpohnmal.  The x data is the time in minutes, the y data is the distance in kilometers.  Use either your calculator or Excel to perform the calculations.

Time x (minutes) Distance y (km)
0 0
20 3.3
25 4.5
33 5.7
34.5 5.9
55 9.7
56 10.1

distanceversustimeq3.gif (3562 bytes)

  1. Find the sample standard deviation for the time data.
  2. What is the correlation for the data?
    1. perfect negative correlation
    2. highly negative correlation
    3. moderately negative correlation
    4. no correlation
    5. moderately positive correlation
    6. highly positive correlation
    7. perfect positive correlation
  3. The slope of the least squares regression line is the average pace of the runner.   Determine and write down the slope of the least squares regression line.
  4. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient represents how well the runner held a fairly constant pace during the run.  A perfect correlation would be constant pace, a high correlation would represent a fairly constant pace.  Calculate the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient r.
  5. Determine the coefficient of determination.

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