1. Soap density background rectangle major grid lines axes linear regression line data points as circles Soap density volume (centimeters³) mass (grams) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 The first graph plots data from a soap density measurement laboratory. The slope of the line is the density of the soap.
    1. __________ Calculate the slope of the line.
    2. ______________ Determine the y-intercept of the line.
    3. y = _________ x + __________ Write the y = mx + b slope-intercept equation for the line.
    4. [float] or [sink] The slope of the line is the density of soap. If the density of the soap is less than one gram/centimeter³ then the soap would float. If the density of the soap is greater than one gram/centimeter³ then the soap would sink. Based on the above, will this soap float or sink?
  2. A student gathered the data seen in the table below. Plot the data on the graph. Graphical analysis
    background rectangle major grid lines axes text layers Velocity of a RipStik Time (seconds) Distance (centimeters) x-axis labels 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 y-axis labels 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
    1. __________ Calculate the slope of the line.
    2. __________ Calculate the intercept of the line.
    3. __________ cm. How far will the RipStik travel in 25 seconds?
    4. __________ seconds. How long in seconds for the RipStik to travel 9200 centimeters?
  3. __________ What is the slope of the line y = 2.0 + 0.15x?
  4. __________ What is the y-intercept of the line y = 2.0 + 0.15x?
  5. For the Desmos graph and regression, determine the acceleration and initial velocity of the RipStik from a Wednesday run. Times are in seconds, distances in centimeters.
    Desmos parabolic regression

    1. acceleration: __________ __________
    2. initial velocity: __________ __________
    3. __________ __________ After six seconds, what is the distance of the RipStik?
    4. __________ __________ After thirty seconds, what is the distance of the RipStik?
  6. Marbles on ramps and tracks!
    1. _______________________________________________ The velocity of marbles rolling down a banana leaf ramp was calculated using what law?
    2. _______________________________________________ The behavior of marbles colliding on a ruler track provided support for what law?
  7. What is Newton's First Law of Motion?
  8. Temperatures in Celsius:
  9. On Wednesday you started the search for Lee Ling at the south faculty office, E 158° 09.612'.
    1. _________ _____ Lee Ling was at E 158° 09.314'. Calculate the difference in arcminutes between the south faculty office and Lee Ling.
    2. _________ _____Use the difference in arc minutes from part a) and the experimental value of 1850 meters per arcminute of longitude here on Pohnpei to calculate the distance in meters you had to walk to the East to get to Lee Ling's location.
  10. A wave was inscribed on poster paper by a RipStik.
    Based on Millinocket swizzle sine wave 8 0 cm 96 cm
    1. On the diagram above, label a crest.
    2. On the diagram above, label a trough.
    3. λ = _________ _________ What is the wavelength λ of ONE wave?
    4. a = _________ _________ What is the amplitude a?
    5. τ = _________ _________ As seen in the diagram, the RipStik took 1.45 seconds to swizzle (wiggle) 2.5 times. What is the period τ of ONE wave?
    6. f = _________ _________ What is the frequency f of the RipStik wave?
    7. ѵwave = _________ _________ What is the wave velocity ѵwave?
  11. Write out the full names of the seven colors of the Newtonian rainbow IN ORDER:
  12. Define reflection.
  13. Define refraction.
  14. refrigeratorLast summer, after 19 years of service, my old refrigerator was no longer working. I bought a new energy efficient refrigerator, a Frigidaire 15 Cu. Ft. Top Freezer Refrigerator FFHT1514QB. The new refrigerator uses 6 amps of current at 120 volts.
    1. __________ _____ Given that V = iR, calculate the resistance R for the refrigerator.
    2. __________ _____ Given that P = iV, calculate the power P for the refrigerator.
    3. __________ Power is now $0.3956 for 1000 Watts for one hour. How much does it cost to run the refrigerator for one hour?
  15. Periodic table element 29 Cu 64
    1. __________ What is the atomic number of Cu?
    2. __________ What is the atomic mass of Cu?
    3. __________ How many protons does Cu have?
    4. __________ How many neutrons does Cu have?
    5. __________ How many electrons does Cu have?
    6. __________ What is the name in English of Cu?
  16. List the planets in order from the sun outwards:
  17. What is a black hole and how are they formed?
  18. Inundation reported from Mosral, Kosrae. Pictures taken Sunday evening 03 December 2017 and submitted to the US Weather Service by the governor of Kosrae Last weekend during the full moon there were unusally high tides which led to coastal flooding in Kosrae. The full moon last weekend was referred to as a supermoon. What happened last weekend? Is this evidence of climate change?

slope m= ( y2 y1 ) ( x2 x1 )
point-slope form: (yy1) = m(xx1)
raw error = experimental value − expected value
percent error= (experimental valueexpected value) (expected value)
density= mass volume
ѵ= Δd Δt
distance d = velocity ѵ × time t
acceleration= Δѵ Δt
ѵ = at
ѵ = gt
d = ½at²
d = ½gt²
where g is the acceleration of gravity
g = 980 cm/s²
Gravitational Potential Energy GPE = mgh
Kinetic Energy KE = ½mѵ²
momentum p = mass m × velocity ѵ
Force= Δmomentum Δtime
Force F = mass m × acceleration a
period τ = 1 ÷ (frequency f)
frequency f = 1 ÷ (period τ )
velocity ѵ = wavelength λ × frequency f
Voltage V = current i * resistance R
Power P = iV