1. ☁: ________________________ ☁: ________________________ ☁: ________________________
  2. Soap density background rectangle major grid lines axes linear regression line data points as circles Soap density volume (centimeters³) mass (grams) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 The first graph plots data from the soap density measurement laboratory one. The slope of the line is the density of the soap.
    1. __________ Calculate the slope of the line.
    2. ______________ Determine the y-intercept of the line.
    3. y = _________ x + __________ Write the y = mx + b slope-intercept equation for the line.
    4. [float] or [sink] The slope of the line is the density of soap. If the density of the soap is less than one gram/centimeter³ then the soap would float. If the density of the soap is greater than one gram/centimeter³ then the soap would sink. Based on the above, will this soap float or sink?
  3. During laboratory two, a student gathered the data seen in the table below. Plot the data on the graph. Graphical analysis
    background rectangle major grid lines axes text layers Velocity of a RipStik Time (seconds) Distance (centimeters) x-axis labels 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 y-axis labels 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
    1. __________ Calculate the slope of the line.
    2. __________ Calculate the intercept of the line.
    3. __________ cm. How far will the RipStik travel in 23 seconds? Note that d = ѵ × t.
    4. __________ seconds. How long in seconds for the RipStik to travel 7500 centimeters?
  4. __________ What is the slope of the line y = 2.0 + 0.15x?
  5. __________ What is the y-intercept of the line y = 2.0 + 0.15x?
  6. __________ __________ From the laboratory three Desmos graph and regression, determine the acceleration of gravity g.
    Desmos parabolic regression
  7. A student rolled marbles into a line of five marbles on a ruler track in laboratory four. Sketch a graph of the number of marbles in versus the number of marbles out.
    Marbles on ruler track
    marbles in and out
  8. The graphs show force of friction data for weight, grit, and surface area from laboratory five. Based on the graphs, what can you conclude about the relationships between the variables and the force of friction, and why?
    Desmos graph with friction data plotted
  9. Temperatures in Celsius from chapter six:
  10. On a Wednesday in June you started the search for Binky near room A101.
    1. _________ _____ Room A101 is at E 158° 09.663'. Binky was at E 158° 09.538'. Calculate the difference in arcminutes between A101 and Binky.
    2. _________ _____Use the difference in arc minutes from part a) and the laboratory seven experimental value of 1850 meters per arcminute of longitude here on Pohnpei to calculate the distance in meters from A101 to Binky.
  11. A weather station visit substituted for laboratory eight. A typical METAR report is: METAR PTTP 110150Z 03008KT 15SM SCT018 BKN130 OVC300 31/24 A2987. What is the meaning of those letters and numbers?
  12. Laboratory nine was preceded by my riding a RipStik across three sheets of poster pad as seen in the diagram below. Each sheet was 65 cm long, the three sheets totaled 195 cm.
    Swizzle sine wave 7 cm 0 cm 0 seconds 65 cm 0.5 seconds 130 cm 1.0 seconds 195 cm 1.5 sec
    frequency f = 1 ÷ (period T )
    velocity ѵ = wavelength λ * frequency f
    1. On the diagram above, label a crest.
    2. On the diagram above, label a trough.
    3. __________ How many wavelengths can be seen on the three sheets of paper?
    4. λ = _________ _________ What is the wavelength λ of ONE wave?
    5. a = _________ _________ What is the amplitude a for the wave?
    6. τ = _________ _________ What is the period τ of ONE wave?
    7. f = _________ _________ Given that frequency f = 1 ÷ (period τ ) , what is the frequency f?
    8. ѵwave = _________ _________ Given that velocity ѵ = wavelength λ × frequency f, what is the wave velocity ѵwave?
  13. refraction data and graphFrom laboratory ten, list the three primary colors of light:
  14. In the image on the right from laboratory eleven, x1 is the image depth in centimeter, y1 is the actual depth in centimeters.
    1. ______________ Calculate the slope of the line. The slope is the experimental index of refraction for water.
    2. ______________ __________ Use the slope above to predict the object depth for a penny that appears to be 30 cm underwater.
    3. ______________ __________ Use the slope above to predict the image depth for a coral head that is actually 200 cm underwater.
    4. ______________ Water has a published index of refraction of 1.33. What is the error for the slope?
    5. ______________ Water has a published index of refraction of 1.33. What is the percentage error for the slope?
  15. Laboratory twelve included Ohms law. A Whirlpool dryer uses 26 amps of current at 240 volts.
    Electrical appliance Electrical appliance
    1. __________ _____ Given Ohm's law that V = iR, calculate the resistance R for the dryer.
    2. __________ _____ Given that P = iV, calculate the power P for the dryer.
    3. __________ Power is now forty cents per kiloWatt hour, or $0.40 for 1000 Watts for one hour. How much does it cost to run the dryer for one hour?
  16. From laboratory 13:
    1. _______________ In general, what color do acids tend to turn floral pigment fluids?
    2. _______________ In general, what color do bases tend to turn floral pigment fluids?
    3. _______________ Are lime fruits acid, base, or neutral?
    4. _______________ Is vinegar an acid, base, or neutral?
    5. _______________ Is cream of tartar an acid, base, or neutral?
    6. _______________ Is water an acid, base, or neutral?
    7. _______________ Is baking soda an acid, base, or neutral?
    8. _______________ Is ammonia an acid, base, or neutral?
    9. _______________ Is a bar of hand soap an acid, base, or neutral?
    10. _______________ Is laundry detergent an acid, base, or neutral?
    11. _______________ Is bleach an acid, base, or neutral?
  17. When combined, laboratory 14 data produced the following launch velocity versus flight time graph:
    Lab 14 data and graph velocity versus flight time
    What, if anything, can you conclude about the relationship between the launch velocity & flight time, and why?