164 psg3 • Name:

  1. Soap density background rectangle major grid lines axes linear regression line data points as circles Soap density volume (centimeters³) mass (grams) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 The first graph plots data from a soap density measurement laboratory. The slope of the line is the density of the soap.
    1. __________ Calculate the slope of the line.
    2. ______________ Determine the y-intercept of the line.
    3. y = _________ x + __________ Write the y = mx + b slope-intercept equation for the line.
    4. _______________ Based on the above, will this soap float or sink?
    5. _______________ Based on the above, is this Ivory or Dial soap?
  2. A student gathered the data seen in the table below. Plot the data on the graph. Graphical analysis
    background rectangle major grid lines axes text layers Velocity of a RipStik Time (seconds) Distance (centimeters) x-axis labels 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 y-axis labels 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
    1. __________ Calculate the slope of the line.
    2. __________ Calculate the intercept of the line.
    3. __________ cm. How far will the RipStik travel in 23 seconds?
    4. __________ seconds. How long in seconds for the RipStik to travel 7500 centimeters?
  3. __________ What is the slope of the line y = 2.0 + 0.15x?
  4. __________ What is the y-intercept of the line y = 2.0 + 0.15x?
  5. A student rolled marbles into a line of five marbles.
    Marbles on ruler track
    What physcial science law are the marbles colliding on the ruler track obeying?
  6. The time versus distance for two runs of a RipStik were recorded in the table below.
    Graphical analysis background rectangle major grid lines D text layers RipStik Velocity Time (seconds) Distance (centimeters) x-axis labels 0 1 2 3 4 5 y-axis labels 0 80 160 240 320 400 480 560 640 720 800
    1. _______________________ What does the curve on the above graph imply is happening to the RipStik?
    2. __________ __________ Calculate the acceleration of the RipStik.
  7. Provide definitions for the following:
    1. Newton's first law of motion.
    2. Newton's second law of motion.
    3. Newton's third law of motion.
  8. What are the following temperatures in Celsius?
  9. Define latitude:
  10. Define longitude:
  11. _________ _____ The classroom is at E 158° 09.651'. I hid at E 158° 09.314'. Calculate the difference in arcminutes between the classroom and where I was hiding.
  12. _________ _____ The classroom is at E 158° 09.651'. I hid at E 158° 09.314'. Use a value of 1842 meters per arcminute to calculate the distance in meters from the classroom to where I was hiding.
  13. ☁ ________________________
  14. ☁ ________________________
  15. ☁ ________________________
  16. A wave was inscribed on poster paper by a RipStik. The RipStik was timed and took 0.75 seconds to go from 0 cm to 162 cm.
    Based on Millinocket swizzle sine wave 20 0 cm 54 cm 108 cm 162 cm
    1. On the diagram above, label a crest.
    2. On the diagram above, label a trough.
    3. λ = _________ _________ What is the wavelength λ of ONE wave?
    4. a = _________ _________ What is the amplitude a?
    5. τ = _________ _________ What is the period τ of ONE wave?
    6. f = _________ _________ What is the frequency f?
    7. ѵwave = _________ _________ What is the wave velocity ѵwave?
  17. __________ __________ Using a a speed of sound of 340 m/s, if thunder follows lighting by 10 seconds, how far away is the lighting in meters?
  18. Hue Saturation Luminosity (HSL) colors:
  19. ________________ What color of light does an orange pumpkin reflect?
  20. ________________ What color of light does an orange pumpkin absorb?
  21. Define reflection.
  22. Define refraction.
  23. refraction data and graph
    1. ______________ Based on the information from laboratory eleven above, what is the index of refraction for water?
    2. ______________ Water has a published index of refraction of 1.3330. What is the error for the slope?
    3. ______________ Water has a published index of refraction of 1.3330. What is the percentage error for the slope?
  24. A Whirlpool dryer uses 26 amps of current at 240 volts.
    Electrical appliance Electrical appliance
    1. __________ _____ Calculate the resistance R for the dryer.
    2. __________ _____ Calculate the power P for the dryer.
  25. Periodic table element 30 Zn 65
    1. __________ What is the atomic number of Zn?
    2. __________ What is the atomic mass of Zn?
    3. __________ How many protons does Zn have?
    4. __________ How many neutrons does Zn have?
    5. __________ How many electrons does Zn have?
  26. Atomic schematic protons neutrons electrons P13 N14 Atomic center translation Orbitals [Note that in an atom the number of neutrons is equal to or greater than the number of protons. Thus the more numerous nucleons are the neutrons.]
    1. _______________ Looking only at the atomic diagram on this paper, determine the atomic number of the atom depicted.
    2. _______________ Looking at the diagram, what is the atomic mass for the atom?
    3. _______________ Looking at the diagram and the chart on the wall, what is the one or two letter chemical abbreviation for this element?
  27. _______________ Are lime fruits acid, base, or neutral?
  28. _______________ Is baking soda an acid, base, or neutral?
  29. What is the Higgs boson?
  30. For what physical system is site swap a mathematical model?

slope= ( y2 y1 ) ( x2 x1 )
error = experimental value − expected value
percent error= (experimental valueexpected value) (expected value)
density= mass volume
ѵ= Δd Δt
distance d = velocity ѵ × time t
d = ½at²
period τ = 1 ÷ (period τ)
frequency f = 1 ÷ (frequency f )
velocity ѵ = wavelength λ * frequency f
Voltage V = current i * resistance R
Power P = iV