054064 • Name:

  1. Provide definitions for the following:
    1. Newton's first law of motion.
    2. Newton's second law of motion.
    3. Newton's third law of motion.
    4. Heat convection.
    5. Heat radiation.
    6. Heat conduction.
  2. What are the following temperatures in Celsius?
  3. Explain the difference between heat and temperature.
  4. A physical science class gathered the following data for laboratory six: heat conduction. The x-axis is the change in temperature (ΔT = maximum − start).
    Horizontal bar chart CopperSteelIron AluminumBrass 0510 ΔTemperature ℃ of the room temperature water
    1. _______________ Which material was the best conductor of heat?
    2. _______________ Which material was the least conductor of heat?
  5. In general, what types of materials conduct heat?
  6. The graphs show force of friction data for weight, grit, and surface area from presentations on Friday.
    force of friction linear regression data force of friction linear regression data force of friction linear regression data
    Weight: force = 0.3052×weight
    Grit: force = 0.0069×grit + 37.37
    Surface area: force = 0.000×surface area + 300
    1. _______________ Based on the data gathered and shared in class, which variable has the most effect on the force of friction?
    2. Why?
    3. _______________ Based on the data gathered and shared in class, which variable has the least effect on the force of friction?
    4. Why?