074 • Name:

For answers with units, do not forget to include the units: numeric answer units!

  1. The graph shows soap density data. Use the graphed data to answer the following questions.
    Soap density Soap density Dial Basic Neutrana Ivory volume (cm³) mass (g) y-axis labels 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 x-axis labels 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
    1. __________ _____ Calculate the density ρ of Dial Basic soap.
    2. ______________ Based on the density, will Dial Basic soap float or sink?
    3. __________ _____ Using the density above, calculate the mass of a bar of Dial Basic soap that has a volume of 100 cm³.
    4. __________ _____ Using the density above, calculate the volume of a bar of Dial Basic soap that has a mass of 250 grams.
    5. __________ _____ Calculate the density ρ of Ivory soap.
    6. ______________ Based on the density, will Ivory soap float or sink?
    7. __________ _____ Calculate the density ρ of Neutrana soap.
    8. ______________ Critical thinking: Based on the density, will Neutrana soap float or sink?
  2. For the following RipStik velocity chart (note the equation has changed!):
    Graph f(x) = 350x + 500 RipStik time versus distance Time (seconds) Distance (centimeters) x-axis labels 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 y-axis labels 0000 1000 2000 3000 4000
    1. __________ _____ Determine the velocity ѵ of the RipStik.
    2. __________ _____ If the RipStik continued at that velocity for 30 seconds, how many centimeters would the RipStik travel?
    3. __________ _____ If the RipStik continued at that velocity for 7500 centimeters, how many seconds would the RipStik travel?
  3. A RipStik moved at three different velocities (speeds). The data was gathered in the table seen below.
    Graphical analysis
    ○ A (cm)□ B (cm)◊ C (cm)
    0 0
    0 0
    5 700
    0 0
    1.5 500
    background rectangle major grid lines axes text layers 022 Velocities of a RipStik Time (seconds) Distance (centimeters) x-axis labels 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 y-axis labels 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
    1. Plot the data using circles, squares, and diamonds for A, B, and C respectively.
    2. __________ __________ Calculate the velocity (speed) of RipStik run A.
    3. __________ __________ Calculate the velocity (speed) of RipStik run B.
    4. __________ __________ Calculate the velocity (speed) of RipStik run C.
    5. __________ __________ How far will RipStik A travel in 36 seconds?
    6. __________ __________ How long in seconds for RipStik A to travel 5100 centimeters?
  4. When a young typhoon develops hot towers of rapidly rising warm air, what will happen to the strength of the typhoon?
  5. What is the importance of the sinking salty brine water under the ice of Antarctica?
  6. The Bodele depression of the Sahara desert in Africa contains rich deposits of the plant nutrient phosphate. How does this phospate wind up fertilizing trees in the rain forests of Brazil, South America?
  7. Explain the difference between heat and temperature.
  8. _________________ When solids and liquids heat up, do they expand or conract?.
  9. The following time versus data was obtained during a Tuesday morning RipStik acceleration run.
    Graph with shapes fed by different functions background rectangle major grid lines axes x-axis and y-axis linear regression line Linear regression equation manually placed y = 15x² data points as circles text layers RipStik acceleration time (s) distance (cm) y-axis labels 0 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 x-axis labels 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
    Time (s)Distance (cm)
    0 0
    1 15
    2 60
    3 135
    4 240
    5 375
    6 540
    7 735
    8 960
    9 1215

    1. __________ __________ What was the speed of the RipStik at time t = 0 seconds?
    2. __________ __________ Use the data provided and the slope formula to calculate the velocity (speed) of the RipStik from 9 to 10 seconds.
    3. __________ __________ Using the velocity at t = 0 seconds from a) above and the velocity of the RipStik from 9 to 10 second from b) above, calculate the acceleration of the RipStik.
  10. __________ __________ Using the equation d = ½gt² and an acceleration of gravity g = 980 cm/s², calculate the distance a ball will fall in one second.
  11. __________ __________ Using the equation d = ½gt² and an acceleration of gravity g = 980 cm/s², calculate the length of time in seconds for the ball to fall 100 cm.
  12. A marble with a mass of 5.0 grams is 160 centimeters above a table on a banana leaf marble ramp. The marble is released and rolls down the ramp onto the table. Use an acceleration of gravity g equal to 980 cm/s² for this question.
    1. __________ __________ Calculate the Gravitational Potential Energy of the marble before the marble is released using GPE = mgh
    2. __________ __________ Calculate the velocity that the same marble should have at the bottom of the ramp using the equation KE = ½mѵ² if there is no friction.
  13. A student rolled marbles into a line of five marbles.
    Marbles on ruler track
    1. Why are the marbles in generally equal to the marbles out?
    2. For balls swinging from a pendulum the number in is equal to the number out. For marbles this is generally but not exactly true. What is different about the marbles that complicates the "number in" being equal to "the number out"?
  14. Write out Newton's first law of motion.
  15. Write out Newton's second law of motion.
  16. Write out Newton's third law of motion.
  17. For reference, the graphs show force of friction data gathered by the students in SC 130 for surface area, grit, and mass.
    force of friction linear regression data
    1. __________ Calculate a reasonable estimate of the slope of the best fit trend line for the sled mass (g) versus the Force (g).
    2. For part a) above, what are the units?
  18. Temperatures in Celsius:
  19. Define latitude:
  20. Define longitude:
  21. ______________ When walking straight North, which number would change on the GPS unit, the N 06° 54.538' or the E 158° 09.663' number?
  22. On Wednesday we started the search for Binky at a drain grating near room A101.
    1. _________ _____ The drain grating is at E 158° 09.663'. Binky was at E 158° 09.319'. Calculate the difference in arc minutes between the drain grating and Binky.
    2. Use the difference in arc minutes from part a) and the published value of 1842 meters per arc minute of longitude here on Pohnpei to calculate the distance in meters from the grating to Binky.
  23. The following data is adapted from laboratory seven.
    Graphical analysis

    Lab seven

    Distance (arcmin)Distance (m)
    background rectangle major grid lines axes text layers minutes versus meters Distance (arcmin) Distance (m) x-axis labels 0 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 y-axis labels 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
    1. ___________ ____________ Determine the slope of the line.
    2. ___________ ____________ Use the slope to calculate the number of meters for 10 arcminutes.
    3. ___________ ____________ Use the slope to calculate the number of meters for 0.001 arcminutes.
    4. ___________ ____________ Use the slope to calculate the number of arcminutes for 5000 meters.

    slope= ( y2 y1 ) ( x2 x1 )
    Volume V = length l × width w × height h
    mass m = density ρ × Volume V
    ρ= m V

    distance d = velocity ѵ × time t
    ѵ= Δd Δt

    velocity ѵ = acceleration a × time t
    a= Δѵ Δt

    ѵ = gt
    d = ½at²
    d = ½gt²
    where g is the acceleration of gravity
    g = 980 cm/s²

    Gravitational Potential Energy GPE = mgh where the acceleration of gravity g = 980 cm/s²
    Kinetic Energy KE = ½mѵ²
    momentum p = mass m × velocity ѵ