104 • Name:

Adapted in part from Bill Nye: Light and Color Video Quiz
Circle the correct word or phrase to make the sentence correct.

  1. Without different WAVELENGTHS/AMPLITUDES of light we would not be able to see different colors of things.
  2. The colors of the rainbow CAN / CANNOT be broken down or separated further.
  3. The PHOTONS / CHEMICALS in the skins of fruits and vegetables absorb & reflect light to make them look different colors.
  4. Black is seen when light is almost completely ABSORBED / REFLECTED. The energy is then changed to HEAT / COLOR.
  5. Mixing colors of paint gives you the same result as mixing colors of light. TRUE or FALSE?
  6. A LASER / SPECTRUM is a very intense beam of light.
  7. A laser of MANY / A FEW watts is strong enough to burn a pencil!
  8. The color of an object is the color it ABSORBS / REFLECTS.
  9. Our sky appears blue because the atmosphere ABSORBS / SCATTERS more blue light than any other color.
  10. T or F: White light is composed of all three primary colors of light.
  11. T or F: A prism is used to put all colors of light back together.
  12. T or F: Each color of the rainbow can be broken up into other colors using a prism.
  13. T or F: An orange looks orange because the chemicals in its skin absorb orange light.
  14. T or F: Much of the light that a black cloth absorbs is changed to heat.
  15. T or F: The light from a laser must be reflected before we can see it.
  16. T or F: Different colors of light from the sun have different wave lengths.
  17. A yellow-fleshed banana such as karat absorbs all colors except ____________.
  18. What color(s) is (are) being reflected by a blade of grass? ____________.
  19. Bill Nye quotes: "Inertia is a property of matter." Can light have inertia? Why or why not?

  20. List the primary colors of light (additive colors):
  21. List the secondary colors of light (additive colors):
  22. List the primary colors of paint and pigments (subtractive colors):
  23. List the secondary colors of paint and pigments and printers (subtractive colors):
  24. ________ What color is #F00?
  25. ________ What color is #FF0?
  26. ________ Toughie: What color is #F80?
  27. ________ What is the color angle for red?
  28. ________ What color is produced by a color angle of 240°?
  29. ________ What is the name of the color system that uses color words such as red, crimson, cyan, antiquewhite?
  30. Define hue:
  31. Define saturation:
  32. Define luminosity: