144 Physical science quiz 10 • Name:

Open notes!

  1. According to John, the sun provides __________ and ___________.
  2. ___________________ What is the innermost and smallest planet?
  3. Venus' atmosphere consists of:
  4. ___________________ What is the only planet with liquid water on the surface?
  5. ___________________ Where are meteorites located in the solar system?
  6. What does geochemically distinct mean?
  7. ___________________ What gives Mars its reddish hue?
  8. Phobos is covered to a depth of 100 meters with ___________ ________.
  9. Deimos means ___________________.
  10. _______________ _______ What is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter?.
  11. Jupiter's atmosphere is composed of ______________ and __________________.
  12. The surface of Calisto is compose of: __________________.
  13. The largest moon in the solar system is ____________________.
  14. Saturn is surrounded by visible ________________.
  15. Titan has a thick, dense atmosphere composed of:
  16. Why is Uranus a blue color?
  17. Neptune's atmosphere contains H, He, CH4, and NH3. Name these four compounds: _______________, _____________, ______________, ______________.
  18. The largest moon of Neptune is _______________.
  19. _____________ _____________ Pluto is no longer a planet. What is Pluto's new designation?
  20. What is the pronounciation of the moon of pluto ued by the discoverer and by NASA, ch as in chair, soft sh as in sharon, or hard k sound as in Karen?
  21. Kuiper Belt Objects, such as Quaoar, are thought to be composed primarily of what?
  22. Haumea is the ________________ goddess of ______________.
  23. __________________ What is the name of the northern star?
  24. _________ _________ Betelgeuse is what type of star?
  25. What are comets?