Mathematics Program
Student Learning Outcomes Evaluation

Gender: ___ Female
___ Male

Year: ___ Freshmen
___ Sophomore
___ Junior
___ Senior
___ Other

State:___ Chuuk
___ Kosrae
___ Pohnpei
___ Yap
___ Other

Major: ______________________

High School: ______________________

Elementary School:________________

Course in which evaluation was taken: ______________

Do not write on the evaluation. Use of a calculator is permitted.

Color in the correct answer completely.

  1. [a] [b] [c] [d] [e]

  2. [a] [b] [c] [d] [e]

  3. [a] [b] [c] [d]

  4. [a] [b] [c] [d] [e]

  5. [a] [b] [c] [d]

  6. [a] [b] [c] [d]

  7. [a] [b] [c] [d] [e]

  8. [a] [b] [c]

  9. [a] [b] [c] [d] [e]

  10. [a] [b] [c] [d] [e]

  11. [a] [b] [c]

Mathematics Program Learning Outcomes Evaluation

1. “Six times seven” is the same as “seven times six” is an example of:
  1. The associative property of mathematics.
  2. The collective property of mathematics.
  3. The commutative property of mathematics.
  4. The distributive property of mathematics.
  5. None of the above.

Questions two and three use the following information:

A class drops a ball from different heights and graphs the time versus the height. The time data is in seconds on the horizontal axis, the height data is in meters on the vertical axis. The higher the drop, the longer the fall time as shown below:

2. If a ball falls for about half a second, approximately how far will the ball fall?
  1. About half a meter
  2. About 1 meter
  3. About 2 meters
  4. About 3 meters
  5. Cannot be determined.

3. Which of the following mathematical models is going to best describe the above behavior?
  1. Linear
  2. Quadratic
  3. Square root function
  4. Cannot be determined.

Questions four to six use the following information:

    Infant mortality is defined as the number of infants out of 1000 live births who die before their first birthday. Per capita income is the average income per person in a nation. The graph below charts per capita income in dollars on the x-axis and infant mortality on the y-axis.

4. A per capita income of 5000 dollars corresponds to what infant mortality rate?
  1. 0 infants out of 1000 live births.
  2. 5 infants out of 1000 live births.
  3. 15 infants out of 1000 live births.
  4. 25 infants out of 1000 live births.
  5. 35 infants out of 1000 live births.

5. Which one of the following is true:
  1. As per capita income increases, infant mortality decreases.
  2. As per capita income increases, infant mortality increases.
  3. As per capita income increases, infant mortality stays the same.
  4. There is no relationship between per capita income and infant mortality.

6. Increases in per capita income have a proportionately greater impact on infant mortality for nations with:
  1. higher per capita incomes.
  2. lower per capita incomes.
  3. [there is no proportionately different impact]

7. A case of ramen with 24 packs of ramen sells for $16.80. What is the price of one pack of ramen?
  1. $0.70
  2. $0.84
  3. $1.42
  4. $1.43
  5. $403.20

8. If ramen is on sale for $1.95 for three packs, which is the better buy (less expensive per pack): 24 packs for $16.80 or three packs for $1.95?
  1. 24 packs for $16.80
  2. Three for $1.95
  3. The two are equivalent.

9.What is the smallest number that is both a perfect square and a perfect cube of whole numbers?
  1. 16
  2. 27
  3. 64
  4. 125
  5. 729

10. A consultant charges $2000.00 for the first ten hours of work on a project and $80.00 per hour after the first ten hours. If the consultant works for twenty hours on the project, what is the total charge?
  1. $800.00
  2. $1600.00
  3. $2000.00
  4. $2800.00
  5. $3600.00

11. Every twenty years the population of the Federated States of Micronesia doubles. Which of the following mathematical models would best represent time versus population with time on the horizontal axis and population on the vertical axis?

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