MS 101 Alg & Trig test six • Name:

  1. Solve 4 (tan x) − 1 = 0 for x in degrees
  2. Solve 4 cos2x − 1 = 0 for x in degrees
  3. A ball is thrown at 609 cm/s perpendicular to the direction of RipStik traveling at 346 cm/s as seen in the diagram. V⃑ground = v⃑ball + w⃑ripstik
    346 609 θ Vground
    1. __________ î + _________ ĵ Write the resultant vector of V⃑ground in unit vector form.
    2. __________ Calculate the direction angle θ for V⃑ground in degrees.
    3. __________ Calculate the magnitude for V⃑ground.
  4. Pacific Rim Gipsy Danger and Striker Eureka Pacific Rim Gipsy Danger and Striker Eureka θ -120 140
    1. ____________ The force vector for Jaeger Striker Eureka's right lead helicopter is given by F = -120î + 140ĵ. Calculate the angle to the vertical θ in degrees.
    2. ____________ Calculate the magnitude of the vector F = -120î + 140ĵ.
  5. For the vector u = 260 î + 150 ĵ
    1. magnitude = __________ Calculate the magnitude.
    2. θ = __________ Calculate the direction angle in degrees.
  6. A vector with a magnitude of 100 is at a direction angle of 67° to the horizontal. Write the vector in î, ĵ component form.
    SVG trigonometry problems θ = 67° 100
    v = ________ î + ________ ĵ
  7. A vector u⃑ with a magnitude of 40 and a direction angle of 30° is added to a vector v⃑ with a magnitude of 50 and a direction angle of 60°. Determine the magnitude and direction angle in degrees for the vector u⃑ + v⃑.
    SVG trigonometry problems u⃑ v⃑
    1. magnitude u⃑ + v⃑ = __________ Calculate the magnitude.
    2. θ = __________ Calculate the direction angle for u⃑ + v⃑ in degrees.
  8. Do NOT try at home: children towing a RipStik with a bicycle
    Do NOT try at home: Child towing a RipStik with a bicycle
    __________ Shana is towing Marlin with a force of 100 Newtons at an angle of 30° to the horizontal for a distance of 20 meters. Calculate the energy (work done) using the dot product.
  9. __________ Shana is towing Marlin with a force of 100 Newtons at an angle of 30° to the horizontal. The length of the lever arm d for the torque is 0.8 meters (the distance from the nose of the RipStik to the rear wheel). Calculate the torque on the RipStik using the cross product.
  10. Given a matrix A= [ 3-50 -714 ] and a matrix B= [ 557 -728 ]
    1. Calculate A+B= [ _________ _________ ]
    2. Calculate 5A= [ _________ _________ ]