MS 101 Alg & Trig test six • Name:

Wave equation in terms of wavelength λ and distance x: y=asin ( 2πx λ )
Wave equation in terms of period τ and time t: y=asin ( 2πt τ )
Period τ and frequency f relationship: τ= 1f

RipStik wave on poster paper

  1. A RipStik was swizzled across a large sheet of paper. Use the wave and wave data provided to answer the following questions.
    1. ________ How many waves are shown?
    2. λ = _______________ Write the wavelength λ
    3. a = _______________ Write the amplitude a.
    4. τ = _______________ Write the period τ.
    5. f = _______________ Calculate the frequency f.
    6. y = ______ sin( _________ x). Write out the equation of the wave in terms of the wavelength λ and distance x.
  2. Use a spreadsheet to graph the data in the table.
    x y
    0 0
    1 14
    2 20
    3 14
    4 0
    5 -14
    6 -20
    7 -14
    8 0
    9 14
    10 20
    11 14
    12 0
    13 -14
    14 -20
    15 -14
    16 0
    17 14
    18 20
    19 14
    20 0
    1. ________ How many waves are shown in the spreadsheet graph?
    2. λ = _______________ Determine the wavelength λ
    3. a = _______________ Determine the amplitude a.
    4. y = ______ sin( _________ x). Write out the equation of the wave in terms of the wavelength λ
  3. Solve 4 tan(x) −1 = 0 for x in degrees
  4. Solve 4(cos x)2 −1 = 0 for x in degrees
  5. Given the equation for velocity, the launch angle θ, and the distance:
    distance d = 2 v 2 sin(θ) cos(θ) 9.8
    for a launch velocity v = 15 m/s at θ = 72°
    1. vx = ______________ Calculate the horizontal velocity vx
    2. vy = ______________ Calculate the vertical velocity vy
    3. d = _____________Calculate the distance d the object will travel.
  6. For the vector u = 260 i + 150 j
    1. magnitude = __________ Calculate the magnitude.
    2. θ = __________ Calculate the direction angle in degrees.
  7. A vector with a magnitude of 100 is at a direction angle of 67° to the horizontal. Write the vector in i, j component form.
    SVG trigonometry problems θ = 67° 100
    v = ________ i + ________ j
  8. Sketch a graph of the following function: y=40sin ( 20πx 12 )
    Grid 12 x 10 on the thirties background rectangle major grid lines axes x y y-axis labels -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 x-axis labels 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  9. Pacific Rim Gipsy Danger and Striker Eureka Pacific Rim Gipsy Danger and Striker Eureka θ -120 140
    1. ____________ The force vector for Jaeger Striker Eureka's right lead helicopter is given by F = -120i + 140j. Calculate the angle to the vertical θ in degrees.
    2. ____________ Calculate the magnitude of the vector F = -120i + 140j.
  10. A force F of 5774 Newtons is being exerted at an angle of 30° to the horizontal on an object.
    1. F ⋅ d ___________ Calculate the energy (work) done to move the object 10 meters using the dot product.
    2. F ⨯ d ___________ Calculate the torque on the object if the lever arm distance is 0.3 meters using the cross product.
  11. Given a matrix A= [ 3-5 -71 ] and a matrix B= [ -35 7-1 ]
    1. Write the matrix A + B
    2. Write the matrix AB
    3. Write the matrix 2A