MS 101 Alg & Trig test one icon bullet Name:

Kenye Insetlang Talley holds Kenye Insetlang Lee Ling
Kenye Insetlang holds Kenye Insetlang

Nine generations of Waguks

  1. ______________ Kenye Insetlang is a descendent of Lalkio Waguk (refer to the diagram). How many biological ancestors does Kenye Insetlang have in Lalkio's generation?
  2. ______________ An analysis of the age of the women at childbirth in Kenye's extended family forest suggests an inter-generational age of 25 years. Kenye was born in 2001. Using 25 years for one generation, what is the estimated year of Lalkio's birth?
  3. f(x) = _______ Write the function that calculates the number of biological ancestors in terms of generation number x.
  4. A keyboard has 95 characters that can be used in passwords:

    ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789-= ~!@#$%^&*()_+ ;',./:"<>?[]\{}|.

    The formula for the number of possible passwords is given by the exponential function:

    (number of characters available)(length of the password)

    For a password with a length of four, what is the number of possible passwords?

  5. _____________ "Armed with a single graphics processor, [computer crackers] can cycle through more than eight billion password combinations each second when attacking "fast" hashes." ArsTechnica. Divide the answer to the previous question by 8 billion (8 000 000 000) to determine how many seconds that a length four password would survive a brute force attack.
  6. __________ A ball bounce function is given by f(x) = 100 × (0.80)n where n is the bounce number and f(x) is the bounce height. Calculate the height of the ninth bounce by evaluating this function at n = 9.
  7. __________ Solve the ball bounce function 10 = 100 e−0.2x for x to calculate the bounce number for which the bounce height is 10 cm.
  8. __________ Evaluate f(x) = log10(x) for x = 10,000.
  9. __________ Use a calculator or computer to evaluate f(x) = log10(x) for x = 500.
  10. __________ Evaluate f(x) = lne(x) for x = e.
  11. __________ For the function shown in the chart, determine the height of the 14th bounce. x is the bounce number, f(x) is the bounce height. The "dot" after the 100 in the equation is a multiplication sign.
    exponential decay of bounce of a superball
  12. _______________ A ball bounce function is given by the function:

    f(x) = 100 e−0.35x

    where x is the bounce number and f(x) is the bounce height. Solve for the bounce number x where f(x) is two centimeters high. In other words, solve

    2 = 100 e−0.35x

    for x.
  13. Baby growth curve The chart depicts a baby weight function for a baby that grew at
    f(x) = 16.07 ln(x) − 27.51 where x is the months since conception and f(x) is the weight in pounds. Birth is at x = 9 months. The y-axis is the weight of the baby in pounds.

    ____________ Calculate the birth weight of the baby by evaluating the growth function at x = 9 months.
  14. ____________ Calculate the weight of the baby at x = 21 months (one year post birth).
  15. ____________ Tough one: Calculate the age of the baby when the weight was equal to 27 pounds.