MS 101 Alg & Trig test four icon bullet Name:

  1. A RipStik was swizzled across a large sheet of paper. The swizzle wave can be seen in the diagram below.
    RipStik swizzle sine wave 6 cm 34 cm in 0.5 seconds x RipStik rider

    λ = _______________ Write the wavelength λ of the RipStik swizzle wave in centimeters.
  2. a = _______________ Calculate the amplitude a of the RipStik swizzle wave.
  3. τ = _______________ Calculate the period τ of the RipStik swizzle wave.
  4. b = _______________ Given that b= 2π τ , calculate b
  5. y = ______ sin( _________ x). Given the general form y = a sin(bx) and the results above, write the equation for the RipStik swizzle wave.
  6. _________ A tuning fork has a frequency of 384 Hertz. Calculate the period for the tuning fork.
  7. _________ Calculate the period for f(x) = 42 tan (1.2566 x)
  8. ________ Calculate arcsin(0.5), report the result in degrees.
  9. ________ Calculate arccos( 3 2 ) , report the result in degrees.
  10. Right triangle θ 65 72 r __________ For a right triangle with an adjacent side of length 65 and an opposite side of 72, find the angle θ in degrees.
  11. __________ For a right triangle with an adjacent side of length 65 and an opposite side of 72, find the length of the hypotenuse r.
  12. Right triangle θ 80 y 82 __________ For a right triangle with an adjacent side of length 80 and a hypotenus of 82, find the angle θ in degrees.
  13. __________ For a right triangle with an adjacent side of length 80 and a hypotenuse of 82, find the length of the opposite side y.
  14. ______, _____ Find the other two numbers in a Pythagorean triple where one of the three numbers is 7.
  15. Depth charges are explosives that detonate at a specific depth d under the surface of the water. A destroyer armed with depth charges is using a sonar to determine the angle θ and the distance r to a submarine. Write an equation for the depth d as a function of the range r and the angle θ.
    d =
    Destroyer submarine
  16. Turkish Phantom II flying 14 miles off Syrian coast A Turkish F-4 Phantom II is flying 14 miles off the coast of Syria. An anti-aircraft turret on the Syrian coast is tracking the Phantom. Write the equation for the angle θ as a function of x and the distance (14) from the shore.
    θ =

Images for the last two problems courtesy of M. N. Lee Ling.