reset set border set xtics 1 set ytics 1 set grid set xzeroaxis lt 9 lw 3 set yzeroaxis lt 9 lw 3 set style line 1 lt 1 lw 4 # red line set style line 2 lt 3 lw 3 # blue line set style line 3 lt 12 lw 3 set xrange [-14:14] set yrange [-26:14] # set samples 1000 # set key off # An integer insection is formed for # y = -(a/b)x+c # y = y = (d/e)x+c-ae-db # The lines are perpendicular if e = ad/b a=2 b=3 c=5 d=7 e=(a*d)/b # e=11 # Dunno why, but f(x)=(d/e)*x+c-a*e-d*b fails to work # I just discovered that the above is seriously flawed. # 200607131522 # No time to fix it now, but the lines being drawn are -2x/3+5 and 1.75x-24! f(x)=-(a*x/b)+c g(x)=(d*x/e)+c-a*e-d*b plot f(x) ls 1, g(x) ls 2