

Words for running and juggling in Micronesia
Language Run! Juggle! Walk! Hit the showers!
iKiribati biri
Marshalleseettôrejojoetâtal ettal im tutu
Kosraen ahsrohsr kahkah furoh fahsr som nu yihyih
Pingalapese keseu mwandimwanda alu ahla dudu
Pohnpeian tang dapadap alu kohla dudu
Chuukese sa sippo* fetan keno tutu
Mortlockese dikel sippo* fedel feilo tutu
Satawalese (Yap) riig farag
Woleaien riig farag salago tiutiu
Ulithian dar darlog
Yapese mil machyoch yan
Palauan [reut]
Fijian cici viripolo taubale
Swahili kimbia - tembea

* May refer to game in which ball is tossed up, rocks are scooped with the hand, and then the descending ball is caught.


Joggling (Lee Ling)

Lee Ling's Local Race "Rules"