1. Preferred name for yourself if different from Student Information System: 2. Preferred email if different that college email: 3. What is your "first" language – the language in which you are most comfortable? 4. What state/island do you consider to be your home? 5. What municipality/island do you consider to be your home? 6. What do you consider to be your heritage (ancestral) culture(s)? 7. Where were you born? 8. What is the native language of your maternal guardian (mother or she who raised you)? 9. What is the native language of your paternal guardian (father or he who raised you)? Survey questions 1. Are plants important in your culture? 2. Have you used a plant recently? 3. If yes, when did you use the plant? 4. If yes, how did you use the plant? 5. If yes, what was the name of the plant?