The Division of Puluwat

Once upon a time on Puluwat, which was once only one island, but now divided in to four, there lived these two brothers. The older one's name was Songeni and the younger one's was Soma, which means "ghost".Inherited by their father, they were crowned as kings during that time. People respected them. As you may already know, in the old days our inheritance were trophies of war. The king brothers were not only respect because they were kings, but also because they were strong, brave and most of all they were really huge. These brothers could just stand in the middle of the ocean and fish. They could grab any kind of fish that comes their way, either sharks, whales, you name them. When thirsty, they could just stand up and grab a coconut and drink. These boys were still young teenagers during this time which actually means that they were still more interested in having fun and girls than their great responsibility. And so it happened. Songeni was the first to see the girl, talked with her and asked her for marriage. She accepted the offer then they got married. Things had been going great for Soma until charming young Soma played his moves. Being the young and modest, Songeni's wife also like Soma. So Soma started out secret affair, which was very disrespectful to our culture in those days until now. On and on, Soma and Songeni's wife continued their bad habit. Until one night, Songeni was having trouble sleeping. He was just closing his eyes to make himself sleep when Soma entered his room and started talking to his wife. He heard everything and he knew exactly what was going on. When morning came, Songeni told Soma to come with him to go fix his house. There, Songeni picked a fight Soma, where they battled, putting every force they could to stay put made the island, Puluwat, to split into four.That's the story of how it got divided!!!

Ever since then, until now, the people moved to the islands where it has the most taro patches and breadfruit trees. Instead of naming the islands the same name, they named the biggest and fertile one Puluwat and the rest, are named after the three sons of Songeni!!

  1. To Island
  2. Haw Island
  3. Alengelap Island
  4. Polowat Island
  5. Goes too your destinayshon!!

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    Songeni Soma Joshua Emwalu
    Oldest Brother Youngest Brother Writer