Course level assessment information

Assessment information, in whatever form the information is gathered, would be recorded in the same structure as the assessment plan. The sample below is for only four sample outcomes from four courses.

pSLOcat course cslo level cSLO: Students will be able to: Assessment Plan for improvement
problem solve MS 150 specific Calculate the slope of the least squares line. On an item analysis of the final examination 95% of the students were able to perform this skill correctly. -
foundations SC 101 specific Define the concept of total fitness and the essential characteristic and consideration of a physical fitness program. Students generally answer questions on this topic correctly, but do not exhibit actual behavioral changes that indicate they are acting on the information. Connect across the curriculum with ESS.
foundations SC 120 course List distinguishing characteristics and examples off: bacteria, protozoa, algae, fungi, the major groups of plants, and the major animal phyla. Students are able to list distinguishing characteristics at a high rate of success. -
human body SC 230 specific Write the structural formulas of different types of hydrocarbons. Students are able to write simple hydrocarbon formulas with a high rate of success. Students have increasing difficulties as the hydrocarbons become more complex. At present the course only intends to cover simple hydrocarbons, a full treatment of complex hydrocarbons is beyond the scope of this course.
