cSLOS versus pSLOs in LA/HCOP

For every course level student learning outcome in a course that is a part of the major requirements of the LA/HCOP degree, an LA/HCOP pSLO can be assigned. Four cSLOs, pulled from three courses, are shown below. A more complete listing is retained in a spreadsheet.

seq pslo# pSLOcat course cslo level cSLO: Students will be able to:
1 4 foundations SC 101 course Describe what it means to be healthy.
2 4 foundations SC 101 course Explain the wellness continuum and its impact on Personal health.
115 1 human body SC 120 specific Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and efficacy of several different methods of contraception.
118 6 problem solve SC 230 specific Convert between Kelvin, Celsius, and Fahrenheit.

Note that both course student learning outcomes (general objectives or cSLOs) and specific student learning outcomes (specific objectives or sSLOs) are maintained in a single list. An alternative would be to separate the course outcomes from the specific and map the pSLOS against the cSLOs and, in a separate list, map the cSLOs against the sSLOs. This alternative option, however, does not yield as much information on how well the program student learning outcomes are being met.