Course Number: SS200

Course Title: Research Method



  1. Demonstrate a deep understanding and appreciation of the scientific process
  2. Demonstrate the ability to plan and undertake general research strategies that utilize the research resources of libraries and the
      internet in an efficient and effective manner
  3. Demonstrate the ability to construct theories that successfully guide and structure research toward the goal of uncovering
  4. Explain the importance of operationalization to the process of scientific research and demonstrate the ability to operationalize
      their own research
  5. Explain the importance of sampling to the research process and demonstrate the ability to correctly use sampling techniques in
     their own research
  6. Demonstrate the ability develop indices into scales and to use scales for conducting research
  7. Demonstrate an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of survey research and the ability to correctly use surveys for
      their own research
  8. Demonstrate the ability to make accurate observations of social phenomena and to correctly interpret them
  9. Demonstrate the ability to plan and implement a fieldwork component of social and behavioral research
10. Demonstrate the ability to successfully craft a research paper


Students will be able to:

Unit 1- introduction to the Scientific Process

1. Explain Thomas Kuhn's theory of developing and shifting paradigms in science
2. Describe the truth-seeking methods of falsification, verification and skepticism
3. Explain the significance of theoretical scope and level of abstraction in scientific thinking Demonstrate an ability to construct
    accurate metaphors and analogies
4. Distinguish between explanation, prediction and speculation
5. Explain the principle of parsimony and its value to the scientific method
6. Recognize tautologies and explain how they constrain scientific thinking

Unit 2 - Research Resources

1. Explain the major advantages and disadvantages of quoting from primary versus secondary sources
2. Describe the necessary steps for conducting successful library research
3. Demonstrate the ability to conduct successful library research
4. Describe the Dewey Decimal and Library of Congress systems of library classification
5. Demonstrate the ability to takes notes efficiently and effectively from library sources
6. Demonstrate the ability to use abstracts, indexes, books, periodicals, newspapers government documents, and online internet
    sources to undertake research

Unit 3 - the Research Problem

1. Demonstrate the ability to construct variables from concepts
2. Demonstrate the ability to construct hypotheses from variables
3. Demonstrate the ability to deduce causation
4. Demonstrate the ability to construct theories from hypotheses

Unit 4 - Operationalization, Reliability. and Validity

1. Explain the importance of operationalization to the scientific process
2. Demonstrate the ability to operationalize variables in their own research
3. Explain the concept of reliability
4. Explain the concept of validity of measurements and distinguish between content validity, criterion-based validity and construct
5. Explain the concepts of internal validity, statistical conclusion validity and external validity

Unit 5 - Sampling And The Search Far Typicality

1. Explain the advantages of sampling
2. Explain the Meaning of "randomness"
3. Describe the various probability sampling techniques including random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, multistage
    sampling, time sampling and event sampling.

Unit 6 - Scaling Subjective Phenomena

1. Explain the basic rules for constructing subjective indices
2. Explain the impact which systematic response biases have on the indexing and scaling processes
3. Demonstrate the ability to develop, use and correctly interpret findings from category rank scales
4. Demonstrate the ability to develop, use and correctly interpret findings from the Likert scale
5. Demonstrate the ability to develop, use and correctly interpret findings from the Guttman scale
6. Demonstrate the ability to develop, use and correctly interpret finding from indirect measures of attitudes including the Rorschach
   Test and Thematic Apperception Test

Unit 7 -  Surveys: Questionnaires and Interviews

1. Explain the principles for developing good questionnaires and interview schedule designs
2. Demonstrate the ability to correctly develop open-ended and close-ended questions
3. Explain the major novice errors and unethical practices in questionnaires
4. Explain the important of question wording, readability and understandability for the construction of questions
5. Demonstrate the ability to develop readable and understandable questions
6. Explain the principles and elements of the structured interview technique
7. Demonstrate the ability to conduct a structured interview and correctly interpret the findings
8. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of survey research

Unit 8 - Research by Observation

1. Demonstrate the ability to make systematic observations of social phenomena using establish principles
2. Demonstrate the ability to accurately make linguistic and extra linguistic measures, body movement measures and spatial measures
3. Demonstrate the ability to use audiovisual recording devices to make systematic observations of social phenomena
4. Demonstrate the ability to make necessary quality controls of observations for reliability and validity
5. Explain some of the special problems encountered in the analysis of observational data

Unit 9 - Strategies of Field Research

1. Explain the key features of field research and the ways in which it differs from most other social research methods.
2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of field research
3. Explain the processes of fieldworker recruitment & self-recruitment
4. Explain the processes of fieldworker entry and socialization
5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of informants
6. Explain the logistical considerations of successful fieldwork
7. Demonstrate the ability to accurately observe and record observational and interact ional data

Unit 10 - Writing Research Reports

1. Demonstrate the ability to extract meaning from factual data
2. Demonstrate the ability to clearly articulate theoretical narrative
3. Demonstrate the ability to efficiently and effectively take and organize research notes.
4. Demonstrate the ability to paraphrase
5. Demonstrate the ability to write first, second and final drafts
6. Demonstrate the ability to correctly cite sources of research data