Course Number: SS195

Course Title: Micronesian Cultural Studies


Students will demonstrate a basic knowledge and understanding of Micronesian customs and beliefs, arts and crafts, kinship and languages.


Students will be able to:

1. explain, compare and contrast Micronesian customs and beliefs related to: marriage and childbirth, death and funerals, canoes and
   fishing, farming and food, land tenure and leadership
2. distinguish between the various types of Micronesian canoes in terms of design and construction methods
3. explain the traditional navigation methods used by Micronesian seafarers
4. identify the origin of various types of chants, dances, body adornment and carvings.
5. explain and/or demonstrate the movements of various dances
6. explain the contents of dances and chants in terms of cultural meaning and significance.
7. explain the roles and relationships within Micronesian kinship lineages including land tenure and political power
8. demonstrate an understanding of the grammar of Yapese, Chuukese, Kosraen and Pohnpeian as well as elements of Woleaian.
9. develop comparative vocabulary lists