Course Number: SC101

Course Title: Health Science



Define health as a concept in several ways.
  2. Explain the relationship of health and human behavior.
  3. Identify the various structure of the human anatomical system.
  4. Explain the body functions and the relation of each system to one another.
  5. Enumerate the causes and prevention of communicable diseases.
  6. Explain the importance of human behavior in the occurrence of non communicable disease.
  7. Specify which body part is affected by a particular kind of disease.
  8. Identify and explain  the functions of the basic constituent of food.
  9. Explain the nutritional content of various food endemic to Micronesia.
10. Define the concept of total fitness and the essential characteristic and consideration of physical fitness program.
11. Discuss the effects of drugs to the human body, human behavior and its consequence to family and society.
12. Explain the sexual maturation of adolescents.
13. Describe the process of conception as well as the influence of heredity and environment to the developing human organism.
14. Know the importance and effect of family planning to the nuclear family, community, government and world population.
15. Explain how health is affected by environmental pollution.


The students should be able to:

Relate the importance of adaptation in relation to health and disease.
 2. Describe the organization of the body from cell to the whole organism.
 3. List the functions of the skin
 4. Describe the layers of the skin
 5. Describe the location and functions of the appendages of the skin.
 6. List the main diseases of the skin
 7. List the functions of the skeletal system
 8. List the bones in the axial and appendicular skeleton.
 9. Define the three types of joints based on type of movement.
10. Describe the structure of a synovial joint and give six examples of synovial joints.
11. Describe the four types of arthritis
12. Briefly describe the different kinds of muscles.
13. Name some of the major muscle groups and describe the main function of each.
14. List the major muscular disorder.
15. Describe the measures of physical fitness, and the components of muscular strength by isotonic, isometric exercises, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness.
16. Name and describe the organs of the digestive system.
17. List the functions of the different organs of the digestive tract.
18. Compare the energy contents of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
19. Explain the role of minerals and vitamins in nutrition and give example of each.
20. Explain how heat is produced in the body.
21. Describe the purpose of the respiratory system.
22. Name the structure of the respiratory system.
23. Explain the mechanism of pulmonary ventilation.
24. List and define several kinds of respiratory infection.
25. List the systems that eliminate waste and the functions of each.
26. Name three normal and abnormal  constituent of the urine.
27. Describe five disorders involving body fluid.
28. Describe the organization of the nervous system according to structure and functions.
29. Enumerate some of the functions of the different parts of the brain.
30. Identify the glands of the endocrine system.
31. List the hormones of each gland and describe the effects of each on the body.
32. Describe the basic anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.
33. List the blood composition and functions.
34. Define blood type and explain the blood type transfusion.
35. Differentiate among the three main types of vessels in the body with regard to structure and functions.
36. Describe the progression of the coronary heart disease.
37. Identify ways to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
38. Describe the development and outcome of cerebrovascular accidents.
39. List the various kinds of diseases that affect the circulatory system.
40. Explain the emergency care given to a possible victim of a heart attack and stroke.
41. Name the male and female gonads and describe the function of each.
42. Describe the functions of the male and female hormones.
43. Describe the occurrence of a growth spurt and the specific difference in body development.
44. Explain the maturation process of both male and female.
45. Briefly describe the major disorders of the male and female reproductive system.
46. Identify the factors that determine fertility.
47. Describe fertilization process and the early development of the fertilized egg.
48. Briefly describe the four stages of labor, alternative birthing method, and birth complication.
49. Describe the method of birth control and contraception.
50. Describe the different forms of contraceptive methods.
51. Describe the characteristics of the major pathogens, bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, rickettsia, and metazoa.
52. Explain the elements and method of transmission that pose the chain of infection.
53. Identify various defense mechanism- environmental, constitutional, structural, cellular, structural and chemical.
54. Describe the roles of chemotherapy, sanitary engineering, and preventive health practices in controlling the spread of diseases.
55. Explain what is known about the occurrence, symptoms, treatment, and prevention of many common diseases.
56. Describe the characteristics of the most prevalent sexually transmitted diseases.
57. Identify the types of cancerous tumors and the prevalence of cancer.
58. Describe the factors that contribute to cancer.
59. Describe cancer countermeasures of prevention, early detection and diagnosis, and treatment.
60. Describe the physiological problem of allergy, asthma, diabetes and osteoporosis.
61. Describe the meaning of term and drug and chemotherapy.
62. Differentiate between drug use and drug abuse and the major risked involved.
63. Explain the effects of drugs, including narcotics, sedative- hypnotics and inhalants, stimulants, psychedelics and marijuana.
64. Relate the types of treatment and rehabilitation available drug use.
65. Identify the principal environmental pollutants and their hazard to health.