Course Number: MS/ED200
Course Title: Statistics in the Classroom


General & Specific

1. Descriptive Statistics

Understand and apply basic knowledge, methods, and skills in educational statistics to classroom testing and evaluation

1.1 Define various vocabulary words used in assessment, as shown in Appendix 1.
1.2 Define various vocabulary words used in descriptive statistics, including the normal distribution curve, as shown in Appendix 2.
1.3 Identify, through the application of number sense, quantitative examples of key statistics
1.4 Define different kinds of objective test items, including multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank (including cloze testing), true-and-false, and open-ended question.
1.5 Given scores of approximately 20-30 pupils on a simulated test, of a maximum score of at least 31 points, already designed and developed in Chuuk with a KR-21
      reliability of at least 0.85, calculate with accuracy of at least 95% correct, the following descriptive statistics on the test:
    -  frequency distribution
    -  mean, median, and mode
    -  standard deviation and standard error
      as documented in a written report of test findings and recommendations.
1.6 Construct a frequency distribution of scores taken from a simulated test.

[NOTE: There shall be 4 simulated tests in the course, and the student will calculate the necessary statistics with at least 95% correct by the 4th test.]

2. Statistical Inference and Instructional Weaknesses

Understand and apply statistical methods to upgrade teaching methods and to improve pupil learning in the classroom
Use appropriate formulas in determining instructional weaknesses based on classroom test analysis
2.1 Given the calculated statistics on a simulated test, anayze and evaluate pupil strengths and weaknesses for each test item, through the use of item validity and
     standard error, and recommend steps to advance strengths and remediate weaknesses in learning styles, as documented in a written report of test findings and

[NOTE: There shall be four such reports, and, in each report, the student will recommend at least one instructional strategy to advance learning strengths and at least
           one instructional strategy to remediate learning weaknesses.]

2.2 Given the calculated statistics on a simulated test, analyze and evaluate teacher strengths and weaknesses for each test item, through the use of item validity and
     standard error, and recommend steps to advance strengths and remediate weaknesses in teaching styles, as documented in a written report of test findings and

[NOTE: There shall be four such reports, and, in each report, the student will recommend at least one instructional strategy to advance teaching strengths and at least
           one instructional strategy to remediate teaching weaknesses.]

2.3 Defend in a well-written paragraph the importance of confidentiality in the use of test scores.
2.4 Explain in a well-written paragraph the nature of a pre-/post-test, using samples from the TQEG modules for math and for ESL.

[NOTE: The U.S. federally funded program, entitled Teacher Quality Enhance­ment Grant, as implemented in the COM-FSM Chuuk Campus' TQEG teacher training program
           during the Summer of 2006, includes pre-/post-tests for math and ESL. The use of such tests in this course presumes that approval of this course outline grants
           permission to use them.]

2.5 Given scores of students on the TQEG module pre-/post tests, in both math and ESL, calculate with accuracy of at least 95% correct the following inferential
      statistics on the tests:
    -  chi-square (for post-testing)
    -  t-testing (for pre-/post-testing)
       as documented in a written report of test findings and recommendations.

[NOTE: There shall be 2 sets of student scores on such tests, and the student will calculate the necessary statistics with at least 95% correct by the 2nd test.]

2.6 Given the calculated statistics on the TQEG module pre-/post-tests, analyze and evaluate strengths and weaknesses for each test item, through the use of item
     validity and standard error, and recommend options to revise the test, as documented in a written report of test findings and recommendations.

[NOTE: There shall be 2 such reports, and, in each report, the student will recommend at least one revision in test items.]

2.7 Construct a frequency distribution of scores taken from the pre-/post-test.

3. Measurement of Readability

Understand and apply readability formulas to select appropriate grade-level reading materials in the elementary school (Grades 5-8) in Chuuk

3.1 Identify and collect a set of instructional reading materials in actual use in Chuuk's elementary schools (Grades 5-8), both public and private.
3.2 Describe in a narrative outline the steps used to calculate readability of a book or instructional reading material.
3.3 Given a reading material deemed appropriate for reading instruction in Chuuk's upper-elementary grade levels, calculate readability, using both SMOG and Fry's
      readability chart, and justify use or non-use of the reading material, by grade level, as documented in a written report on readability.

[NOTE: There shall be at least four reading materials, as already deemed appropriate and used by teachers at upper-elementary grade levels in Chuuk's public and private schools.]