Course Number: ESS200
Course Title: Fundamentals of Wellness and Physical Fitness


Students will be able to:

 1. [Core] Identify and describe the basic components of wellness. (1)
 2. [Core] Describe the benefits and the significance of participating in a lifetime fitness and wellness program. (1,6)
 3. [Core] Describe common careers enjoyed by people who have a bachelor's degree in Wellness. (4)
 4. [Core] Assess his/her current wellness in the areas of physical fitness, nutrition, weight control, stress management, drug use, and
     disease risk (including sexually transmitted diseases, cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, and cancer) and use those results to
     set realistic wellness goals based on accepted models of behavior change. (1,4)
 5. [Core] Explain the components of the transtheoretical model of behavior change, and assess his/her stage of change for a variety
     of possible health behavior changes. (4)
[Core] Experience the challenges of self-transformation by selecting and improving an aspect of physical fitness during the
     semester, based on accepted models of behavior change. (1,4)
[Core] List and define the five factors of physical fitness. (1)
[Core] Given fitness assessment results, design a plan to improve each of the five factors of physical fitness, based on accepted
     models of behavior change. (3,4)
 9. [Core] Identify the symptoms of common exercise-related injuries, preventative measures, and basic treatment. (3)
[Core] List behaviors appropriate for each of the stages of change that would help people attempting to:
Decrease their disease risk (cardiovascular disease, cancer, type II diabetes, sexually transmitted diseases),
Keep their weight and percent body fat levels in a healthy range,
       - Stop using detrimental drugs. (1,4)
11. [Core] Describe the important role regular medical check-ups play in lifetime fitness and wellness. (1)
[Core] Define cardiovascular disease, cancer, and type II diabetes, and explain recent lifestyle changes in the FSM associated
     with the increased incidence of these diseases. (1,6)
13. [Core] Explain the importance of healthy behaviors in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, cancer and type II diabetes. (1,6)
14. [Core] Describe the detrimental health effects of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and betelnut, and the benefits of cessation. (6)
15. [Core] Describe the symptoms of common sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV), and their health consequences. (6)
16. [Core] Define obesity and explain the health risks correlated with it. (1,6)
[Core] List and define the six nutrients, and describe at least one role each nutrient plays in the effective functioning of the body
     and mind. (1,6)
[Core] Conduct a comprehensive nutrient analysis, recognizing areas of deficiency and describe strategies to improve overall
     nutrition, based on accepted models of behavior change. (1,4,6)
19. [Core] Explain the physiology of weight loss and the effects of diet on basal metabolic rate; design a physiologically sound weight
     reduction and weight maintenance program, based on accepted models of behavior change. (1,4)
20. [Core] Define spiritual well-being and describe its relationship to a healthy lifestyle. (1,6)
21. [Core] Describe the relationship between healthy personal relationships, disease risk, and mortality. (1,6)
22. [Core] Describe behavior changes to improve a person's spiritual well-being, based on accepted models of behavior change. (4,6)
23. [Core] Define stress and explain its role in the maintenance of health and optimal performance through various stress reduction
     and stress management techniques. (4,6)
24. [Core] Describe the relaxation response and the concept of mindfulness and describe their importance to stress management and
     spiritual well-being. (1,6)