Course Number: EN204
Course Title: Poetry



A: Reading

The student will be able to:

Identify and analyze poetic forms;
2. Determine literal and figurative meanings in poetry; and
3. Discuss themes, literary devices, style, and historical influences in poetry.

B: Writing

The student will be able to:

Write a poem in a given form;
2. Identify and analyze prosody and apply it in writing; and
3. Respond reflectively in writing, with a minimum of grammatical error, to poems.

C: Communication

The student will be able to:

1. Make informed language choices, with an understanding of the musicality of English.

2. Explore the prosody of a language other than English.


A1. Identify and analyze poetic forms;

The student will be able to:

    A1.1 Identify the features of sonnets, blank verse, and free verse and other poetic forms chosen by the instructor, for instance,
           villanelles, ballads, odes, haikus, and pastorals;
    A1.2 Analyze a poetic form by scanning its poetic meter; and
    A1.3 Understand the relationship between a poem's form, sound, and meaning.

A2. Determine literal and figurative meanings in poetry

The student will be able to:

    A2.1 Identify metaphor, simile and imagery in poetry; and
    A2.2 Make informed decisions as to the meaning of metaphor, simile, and imagery.

A3. Discuss themes, literary devices, style, and historical influences in poetry.

The student will be able to:

    A3.1 Identify common themes in poetry;
    A3.2 Analyze a poem and identify instances of literary devices such as alliteration, assonance, allusion, strong and weak rhyme,
           slant rhyme, and internal rhyme;
    A3.3 Discuss the tone of a poem; and
    A3.4 Situate a poem within its historical context.

B1. Write a poem in a given form.

The student will be able to:

    B1.1 Write a sonnet or other traditional form;
    B1.2 Write a poem with a given theme; and
    B1.3 Create a poetic form and write within its rules.
B2. Identify and analyze prosody and apply it writing

The student will be able to:

    B2.1 Identify and scan poetic meter; and
    B2.2 Write a poem using traditional poetic meter, such as iambic pentameter.

B3. Respond reflectively in writing, with a minimum of grammatical error, to poems.

The student will be able to:

    B3.1 Write a short essay interpreting a poem; and
    B3.2 Write a response essay concerning a poem.

C1. Make informed language choices, with an understanding of the musicality of English.

The student will be able to:

    C1.1 Write a poem demonstrating an understanding of the effects of word choice on sound and meaning;
    C1.2 Write and analyze a poem for its connotative meaning; and
    C1.3 Recite a poem from memory.

C2. Explore the prosody of a language other than English.

The student will be able to:

    C2.1 Write a poem in a Micronesian language, or any language other than English, with an understanding of the effects of sound
           combinations in that language; and
    C2.2 Use culturally specific, connotative language in a poem written in a language other than English.