Course Number: ED234
Course Title: Cultural Mathematics for Understanding and Application in Yap State Schools



This course incorporates a review of the counting, measurement, and classification systems (Yapese, Utithian, Woleaiin and Satavvalese) used within Yap State multi-lingual cultural populations. Individualized focusing will be on each students first language system using student-centered approaches to teaching. This focusing will bring an exposure and initial competency relating to approaches, specific methods, materials, and the teaching skills necessary for introduction of these systems. Presentations and activities will relate to the appropriate language and cultural context. The focus is on math for understanding in the use of these systems. The course content reflects mathematics grounded in problem solving higher-order thinking and relationships between mathematical concepts and the local environments.


The students will have developed knowledge and understandings of:

1. Local counting systems
2. Local measurement systems
3. Local classification systems
4. Number sense: (number meaning, number relationships, magnitudes of numbers, and effects of operations)
The set up of the Yap State Mathematics Framework developed teaching skills to:
- Incorporate local manipulative,
    - Use concrete materials to illustrate basic math concepts
    - Incorporate higher order thinking skills in questioning and tasks
    - Set up and manage cooperative learning experiences for students
    - Adapt or use a
variety in assessment strategies for assessing student learning in mathematics
    - Build instructional lessons/units using the local language and context
    - Teach math using a variety of techniques aimed at the different learning styles of children