Course Number: BU270
Course Title: Principles of Management



To introduce students to the basic concepts of marketing such as consumer behavior, marketing research, and information systems, as well as product, distribution, promotion and price planning. In addition, students will be introduced to the broader context of marketing, including ethical and consumer issues, and international marketing.


The student will be able to:

  1. Describe the concepts and purpose of marketing with emphasis on the marketing concept, a marketing philosophy, and customer
     service; show the importance of marketing as a field of study.
  2. Analyze the impact of marketing on society; describe the role of ethics in marketing.
  3. Explain why international marketing takes place and study its scope; explore the cultural, economic, political and legal, and
      technological environments facing international marketers.
  4. Explain the basic concepts of consumer analysis; present examples of consumer demographic profiles; define and describe
     consumer life-styles and their characteristics, examine selected life-styles, and present marketing implications of life-style
  5. Describe the process of planning a target market strategy; examine alternative demand patterns and segmentation bases for both
      final and organizational consumers; explain and contrast undifferentiated marketing, concentrated marketing, and differentiated
      marketing; pinpoint the requirements for successful segmentation; show the importance of positioning in developing a marketing
  6. Examine the various types of products, product mixes, and product management organization forms from which a firm may select;
      study the different types of product life cycles.
  7. Examine the scope of goods and services, and explain how goods and services may be categorized.
  8. Define distribution planning and examine its importance, distribution functions, the factors used in selecting a distribution channel,
      and the different types of distribution channels.
  9. Describe the general characteristics of advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion; examine the components
      of a promotion plan: objectives, budgeting, and the promotion mix.
10. Define the terms "price" and "price planning"; demonstrate the importance of price and study its relationship with other marketing
11. Present the overall process for developing and applying a pricing strategy.