Course Number: AJ151
Course Title: Introduction to Criminal Justice



This course will introduce students to the key elements of the criminal justice system, the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders and linkages with the Constitution. The course will also describe the administrative features of the justice system, including criteria for the establishment of probable cause, onus of proof, confessions, category of offenses, rules of evidence, exhibits procedures, types of courts and conduct of trials.

In addition to gaining knowledge of and being able to describe issues outlined above, students will possess the necessary skills to operationally apply the legislative and constitutional requirements of the criminal justice system in the performance of duties within key employment areas of the system, such as law enforcement, justice administration and corrections.


The students will be able to:

1. Identify and describe the key features of the criminal justice system.
2. Describe the role of key stakeholders within the Criminal Justice System.
3. Describe how the criminal justice system is administered.
4. Identify and describe the categories of offenses.
5. Describe the rules of evidence and testimony.