VEE 100 Soldering and Mechanical Termination Techniques (1.5)

Prerequisite: Admission and VSP 121 or concurrently

Students will learn how to produce solder connections and identify and rectify inferior solder joints. Students will select and prepare the correct soldering tools. In addition the student will master PC component insertion/extraction techniques, basic connector termination techniques and wire wrapping.



VEE 103 Electronic Fundamentals I (3)

Prerequisite: Admission and VSP 121 or concurrently

This course introduces the student to the theory of electricity and magnetism, basic components such as resistors, switches, fuses and circuit breakers, and the relationship of voltage, current, resistance and power and their measurements in basic electrical circuits. Basic direct current circuits are analyzed using Ohm’s Law, Kirchoff’s Laws and various network theorems.



VEE 104 Electronic Fundamentals II (4 )

Prerequisite: VEE 103

This course covers the introduction and examination of the principles, applications and measurement of alternating current. Students will compare different types of alternating current circuits. The course emphasizes filtering basics, reactance, resonance, RC, RL, RLC, relays, transformers, phase angles and power factors. Students will apply formulas to analyze AC circuits.



VEE 110 Discrete Devices I (3)

Prerequisite: VEE 104 or concurrently

This course will introduce students to the construction and operation of various configurations of single stage amplifiers and diode circuits. It will also provide the students with an introduction to basic single-phase power supplies.



VEE 125 Electronic Circuits (4)

Prerequisite: VEE 110

This course allows students to investigate small and large signal amplifiers. Topics include amplifier coupling, BJT amplifier gain, FET amplifiers, negative and positive feedback, frequency response and classes of operation.



VEE 135 Digital Electronics I (3)

Prerequisite: VEE 110

This course provides the student with the basic concepts of logic gates and digital circuits. Topics include digital switches, combinational and sequential logic gates, number systems, Boolean algebra, Karnaugh Maps, 555 Timers, flip-flops and logic design techniques.



VEE 222 Discrete Devices II (3)

Prerequisite: VEE 125

This course provides the student with general communication theory of AM and FM receivers and transmitters.



VEE 223 PC Hardware & Software (4)

Prerequisite: VEE 135

This course uses Cisco Networking Acade y Progra HP IT Essential I: PC Hardware & Software program. It provides IT fundamentals, an in-depth exposure to PC hardware/software, suggested best practice in PC maintenance, diagnostics, and repair. Emphasis is on PC assembly, installation of operating systems (Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP), system configurations, and troubleshooting techniques used on PC maintenance and repair. In addition, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of the microprocessor, its basic architecture, and its physical/logical configuration of memory.



VEE 225 Business Machine Servicing (4 )

Prerequisite: VEE 135

This course covers the principles of operation and servicing of business machines. It includes the manufacturers’ procedures in servicing, systematic procedures in diagnosing faults, repairing of business machines, reassembling and testing repaired business machines according to industry standards.



VEE 230 Radio Communications (3)

Prerequisite: VEE 110

This course covers the construction and operation of various discrete thyristor  power control devices such as Diacs, Triacs, SCRs, PUTs, UJTs, and their circuit configurations.



VEE 235 Digital Electronics II (3)

Prerequisite: VEE 135

This course further explores digital circuits and concepts including registry circuits, counters, adders, decoders, shift registers and digital to analog converters.



VEE 240 Signal Processing (3)

Prerequisite: VEE 235 or concurrently

Describes the basic elements of a communication system and identifies various signal processing techniques. Further investigates AM and FM circuits and their operation. In addition, Single Side Band, various modulation methods, frequency shift keying and multiplexing are studied.



VEE 250 Co-operative Education Program (2)

Prerequisite: Instructors Permission

This co-operative education and work experience will provide the student with supervised on-the job training that will test the application of classroom learning in a “real life” skill demonstration. The individual students training plan will relate to the student’s educational objectives.



 VEE 266 Rotating Machinery (3)

Prerequisite: VEM 104 or VEE104

This course introduces the student to rotating machinery. Series shunt and compound DC motors, AC motors and generators, stepper motors and three-phase power are analyzed.