Curriculum Meeting Agenda October 10, 2006 Minutes: October 3, 2006 Old Business: Bookkeeping Program Modification BK 095 BK 096 BK 097 BU 095 BU 099 (These course outlines are for 2nd reading. I have sent them to Chuuk for re-formatting. If I get them back before Tuesday, I will get them out to all of you.) EN 201 Intro. To Lit. – 2nd reading New Business: First Reading: VEE 224 Video System and Products Servicing – Course modification AR 105 Painting AR 111 Art for Teachers EN ____ Literature of Fantasy and Science Fiction Faculty Rep. – The staff senate has had three faculty express an interest in joining the curriculum committee. One of those is also a member of the Faculty/Staff Senate. Therefore, they feel it is a conflict of interest to nominate one of the three faculty as a rep. to the committee. Would you like to vote by secret ballot to select one of the three interested faculty members? See attachments for new course outlines. Those who attend last meeting already have the proposed new EN ___ course.