Employment Opportunity

EO No: 2024-030

Position: Security & Safety Officer I
Salary: B/2/B $5,196.00 PA
Benefits: "No Extended Benefits"
Opening Date: November 27, 2023
Closing Date: December 27, 2023

P.O. Box 614
Kolonia, Pohnpei FM 96941

College of Micronesia - FSM Mission Statement

The College of Micronesia-FSM is a learner-centered institution of higher education that is committed to the success of the Federated States of Micronesia by providing academic and career & technical educational programs characterized by continuous improvement and best practices.


Class Description:
Under the college’s department of enrollment management and student services through the vice president for instructional affairs and the campus dean, and immediate supervisor of the campus’ student services coordinator (or designee), the campus security and safety officer is responsible for ensuring and maintaining a safe and secure environment for students, faculty and staff, and the guess of the college while protecting or safeguarding the college’s facilities and assets. Working hours: 3 shift schedules: 8:00AM to 4; 4:00PM to 12:00 Midnight; and 12:00AM to 8:00AM.
As a non-sworn security and safety officer, duties include, but by no means not limited to:
  1. Conducts routine and random security patrols of area assigned on foot or in assigned motor vehicle, including routine security checks of campus buildings and facilities.
  2. Watches for and reports irregularities, such as security breaches, facility and safety hazards and emergency situations, persons needing assistance as well as maintenance issues; as required and necessary, reports to appropriate college’s offices or units or local law enforcement.
  3. Informs, warns, and cites violations of rule infractions, such s but by any means not limited: littering, loitering chewing Betel nuts and/or tobacco, vandalism, alcohol use or intoxication ( or influence), and other prohibited conducts (activities in violation of the college’s policies, US federal regulations, national and state public laws or statues) ; if necessary and required, notifies local law enforcement.
  4. Provides escort services for visitors (or guests), students, faculty and staff, as necessary.
  5. Controls and monitors vehicle traffic on campus, and enforces parking regulations.
  6. Responds to both routine service and emergency calls. This includes, but by any means not limited to responding to all reported disturbances, emergencies and suspicious circumstances; reports findings or coordinates with local law enforcement, when necessary or required, and in a manner consistent with the college’s established protocols.
  7. Prepares routines and standardized reports, and ensures that all required reports are completed in a timely, accurate, and complete fashion.
  8. Serves as campus security authority as outlines by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (1990), as amended in 20159 Clery Act), Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (1964), as amended in 1991, and the Violence Against Women Act (1994), as amended in 2015.
  9. Performs miscellaneous job-related duties as assigned.
Minimum Qualifications:
A high school diploma or General Educational Development (GED) certificate with at least six years of extensive full time work experience in security and safety; basic computer skills; ability to operate security equipment/systems, computers, radios, phones; meticulous record keeping, report writing, observation skills; effective written and verbal communication skills in English; excellent interpersonal and human relation skills; physically fit for the job requirements; and organized, focused and able to follow in detail given instructions. Prior military and law enforcement experience is a plus. Must have a valid driver’s license. Evidence of some security training by a certified security trainer is a plus.
Applications are available at the College of Micronesia-FSM Human Resources Office, state campus sites or at the college's website at www.comfsm.fm.
Application Procedure:

Interested candidates must submit the following documents:

  1. A letter of interest addressing how the candidate's professional qualification and experience match the minimum essential requirements of the position (not to exceed three pages);
  2. COM-FSM application form http://www.comfsm.fm/jobs/HRdocs/employment08.pdf
  3. A current resume which includes personal email address and cellular phone number;
  4. Copies of HS/GED diploma or college transcripts for all degrees earned;
  5. A minimum of three professional reference letters under 6 months old;
  6. Valid driver’s license;
  7. Court report under 6 months old; and
  8. Physical fitness certification by a FSM licensed physician.

Documents are to be submitted electronically to hro@comfsm.edu.fm (preferably as PDF attachments) or mailed to:

Human Resources Office
College of Micronesia-FSM
P.O. Box 159
Pohnpei FM 96941

(U.S Postal Service domestic rates apply in the Federated States of Micronesia.)

Applications will be accepted until December 27, 2023 followed by screening by the committee or until filled. Official and hard copies of college transcripts are require to be mailed directly from schools to HRO when a candidate is being considered.

The College reserves the right to request or require from any applicant additional documentation or certification in addition to the minimum requirements stated in this advertisement in order to be considered for this position. All persons applying must meet or exceed any additional qualifications required in the COM-FSM Personnel Policy and Procedure Manual.

The College of Micronesia - FSM is an equal opportunity employer.
FSM Citizens are encouraged to apply