tar: PAX keywords

1 Controlling Extended Header Keywords
1 ............................................
1 '--pax-option=KEYWORD-LIST'
1      Handle keywords in PAX extended headers.  This option is equivalent
1      to '-o' option of the 'pax' utility.
1    KEYWORD-LIST is a comma-separated list of keyword options, each
1 keyword option taking one of the following forms:
1 'delete=PATTERN'
1      When used with one of archive-creation commands, this option
1      instructs 'tar' to omit from extended header records that it
1      produces any keywords matching the string PATTERN.
1      When used in extract or list mode, this option instructs tar to
1      ignore any keywords matching the given PATTERN in the extended
1      header records.  In both cases, matching is performed using the
11      pattern matching notation described in POSIX 1003.2, 3.13 (⇒
      wildcards).  For example:
1           --pax-option delete=security.*
1      would suppress security-related information.
1 'exthdr.name=STRING'
1      This keyword allows user control over the name that is written into
1      the ustar header blocks for the extended headers.  The name is
1      obtained from STRING after making the following substitutions:
1      Meta-character     Replaced By
1      ------------------------------------------------------------
1      %d                 The directory name of the file,
1                         equivalent to the result of the
1                         'dirname' utility on the translated
1                         file name.
1      %f                 The name of the file with the
1                         directory information stripped,
1                         equivalent to the result of the
1                         'basename' utility on the translated
1                         file name.
1      %p                 The process ID of the 'tar' process.
1      %%                 A '%' character.
1      Any other '%' characters in STRING produce undefined results.
1      If no option 'exthdr.name=string' is specified, 'tar' will use the
1      following default value:
1           %d/PaxHeaders.%p/%f
1 'exthdr.mtime=VALUE'
1      This keyword defines the value of the 'mtime' field that is written
1      into the ustar header blocks for the extended headers.  By default,
1      the 'mtime' field is set to the modification time of the archive
1      member described by that extended header (or to the value of the
1      '--mtime' option, if supplied).
1 'globexthdr.name=STRING'
1      This keyword allows user control over the name that is written into
1      the ustar header blocks for global extended header records.  The
1      name is obtained from the contents of STRING, after making the
1      following substitutions:
1      Meta-character     Replaced By
1      ------------------------------------------------------------
1      %n                 An integer that represents the
1                         sequence number of the global extended
1                         header record in the archive, starting
1                         at 1.
1      %p                 The process ID of the 'tar' process.
1      %%                 A '%' character.
1      Any other '%' characters in STRING produce undefined results.
1      If no option 'globexthdr.name=string' is specified, 'tar' will use
1      the following default value:
1           $TMPDIR/GlobalHead.%p.%n
1      where '$TMPDIR' represents the value of the TMPDIR environment
1      variable.  If TMPDIR is not set, 'tar' uses '/tmp'.
1 'globexthdr.mtime=VALUE'
1      This keyword defines the value of the 'mtime' field that is written
1      into the ustar header blocks for the global extended headers.  By
1      default, the 'mtime' field is set to the time when 'tar' was
1      invoked.
1      When used with one of archive-creation commands, these
1      keyword/value pairs will be included at the beginning of the
1      archive in a global extended header record.  When used with one of
1      archive-reading commands, 'tar' will behave as if it has
1      encountered these keyword/value pairs at the beginning of the
1      archive in a global extended header record.
1      When used with one of archive-creation commands, these
1      keyword/value pairs will be included as records at the beginning of
1      an extended header for each file.  This is effectively equivalent
1      to KEYWORD=VALUE form except that it creates no global extended
1      header records.
1      When used with one of archive-reading commands, 'tar' will behave
1      as if these keyword/value pairs were included as records at the end
1      of each extended header; thus, they will override any global or
1      file-specific extended header record keywords of the same names.
1      For example, in the command:
1           tar --format=posix --create \
1               --file archive --pax-option gname:=user .
1      the group name will be forced to a new value for all files stored
1      in the archive.
1    In any of the forms described above, the VALUE may be a string
1 enclosed in curly braces.  In that case, the string between the braces
1 is understood either as a textual time representation, as described in
1 ⇒Date input formats, or a name of the existing file, starting
1 with '/' or '.'.  In the latter case, the modification time of that file
1 is used.
1    For example, to set all modification times to the current date, you
1 use the following option:
1      --pax-option='mtime:={now}'
1    Note quoting of the option's argument.
1    As another example, here is the option that ensures that any two
1 archives created using it, will be binary equivalent if they have the
1 same contents:
1      --pax-option=exthdr.name=%d/PaxHeaders/%f,atime:=0
1 If you extract files from such an archive and recreate the archive from
1 them, you will also need to eliminate changes due to ctime, as shown in
1 examples below:
1      --pax-option=exthdr.name=%d/PaxHeaders/%f,atime:=0,ctime:=0
1 or
1      --pax-option=exthdr.name=%d/PaxHeaders/%f,atime:=0,delete=ctime