parted: Running Parted

1 2.2 Using GNU Parted
1 ====================
1 Parted has two modes: command line and interactive.  Parted should
1 always be started with:
1      # parted DEVICE
1 where DEVICE is the hard disk device to edit.  (If you're lazy and omit
1 the DEVICE argument, Parted will attempt to guess which device you
1 want.)
1   In command line mode, this is followed by one or more commands.  For
1 example:
1      # parted /dev/sda mklabel gpt mkpart P1 ext3 1MiB 8MiB
1 Options (like '--help') can only be specified on the command line.
1   In interactive mode, commands are entered one at a time at a prompt,
1 and modify the disk immediately.  For example:
1      (parted) mklabel gpt
1      (parted) mkpart P1 ext3 1MiB 8MiB
1 Unambiguous abbreviations are allowed.  For example, you can type "p"
1 instead of "print", and "u" instead of "units".  Commands can be typed
1 either in English, or your native language (if your language has been
1 translated).  This may create ambiguities.  Commands are
1 case-insensitive.
1   Numbers indicating partition locations can be whole numbers or
1 decimals.  The suffix selects the unit, which may be one of those
1 described in ⇒unit, except CHS and compact.  If no suffix is
1 given, then the default unit is assumed.  Negative numbers count back
1 from the end of the disk, with "-1s" indicating the sector at the end of
1 the disk.  Parted will compute sensible ranges for the locations you
1 specify (e.g.  a range of +/- 500 MB when you specify the location in
1 "G"). Use the sector unit "s" to specify exact locations.  With
1 parted-2.4 and newer, IEC binary units like "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", etc.,
1 specify exact locations as well.  ⇒IEC binary units.
1   If you don't give a parameter to a command, Parted will prompt you for
1 it.  For example:
1      (parted) mklabel
1      New disk label type? gpt
1   Parted will always warn you before doing something that is potentially
1 dangerous, unless the command is one of those that is inherently
1 dangerous (viz., rm, mklabel and mkpart).  Since many partitioning
1 systems have complicated constraints, Parted will usually do something
1 slightly different to what you asked.  (For example, create a partition
1 starting at 10.352Mb, not 10.4Mb) If the calculated values differ too
1 much, Parted will ask you for confirmation.