mtools: parsing order

1 3.6 Location of configuration files and parsing order
1 =====================================================
1 The configuration files are parsed in the following order:
1   1. compiled-in defaults
1   2. `/etc/mtools.conf'
1   3. `~/.mtoolsrc'.
1   4. `$MTOOLSRC' (file pointed by the `MTOOLSRC' environmental variable)
1    Options described in the later files override those described in the
1 earlier files. Drives defined in earlier files persist if they are not
1 overridden in the later files. For instance, drives A and B may be
1 defined in `/etc/mtools.conf' and drives C and D may be defined in
1 `~/.mtoolsrc' However, if `~/.mtoolsrc' also defines drive A, this new
1 description would override the description of drive A in
1 `/etc/mtools.conf' instead of adding to it. If you want to add a new
1 description to a drive already described in an earlier file, you need
1 to use either the `+drive' or `drive+' keyword.