mtools: location information

1 3.5.2 Location information
1 --------------------------
1 For each drive, you need to describe where its data is physically
1 stored (image file, physical device, partition, offset).
1 `file'
1      The name of the file or device holding the disk image. This is
1      mandatory. The file name should be enclosed in quotes.
1 `partition'
1      Tells mtools to treat the drive as a partitioned device, and to
1      use the given partition. Only primary partitions are accessible
1      using this method, and they are numbered from 1 to 4. For logical
1      partitions, use the more general `offset' variable. The
1      `partition' variable is intended for removable media such as
1      Syquest disks, ZIP drives, and magneto-optical disks. Although
1      traditional DOS sees Syquest disks and magneto-optical disks as
1      `giant floppy disks' which are unpartitioned, OS/2 and Windows NT
1      treat them like hard disks, i.e. partitioned devices. The
1      `partition' flag is also useful DOSEMU hdimages. It is not
1      recommended for hard disks for which direct access to partitions
1      is available through mounting.
1 `offset'
1      Describes where in the file the MS-DOS file system starts. This is
1      useful for logical partitions in DOSEMU hdimages, and for ATARI
1      ram disks. By default, this is zero, meaning that the file system
1      starts right at the beginning of the device or file.