make: Catalogue of Rules

1 10.2 Catalogue of Built-In Rules
1 ================================
1 Here is a catalogue of predefined implicit rules which are always
1 available unless the makefile explicitly overrides or cancels them.
1 ⇒Canceling Implicit Rules Canceling Rules, for information on
1 canceling or overriding an implicit rule.  The '-r' or
1 '--no-builtin-rules' option cancels all predefined rules.
1    This manual only documents the default rules available on POSIX-based
1 operating systems.  Other operating systems, such as VMS, Windows, OS/2,
1 etc.  may have different sets of default rules.  To see the full list of
1 default rules and variables available in your version of GNU 'make', run
1 'make -p' in a directory with no makefile.
1    Not all of these rules will always be defined, even when the '-r'
1 option is not given.  Many of the predefined implicit rules are
1 implemented in 'make' as suffix rules, so which ones will be defined
1 depends on the "suffix list" (the list of prerequisites of the special
1 target '.SUFFIXES').  The default suffix list is: '.out', '.a', '.ln',
1 '.o', '.c', '.cc', '.C', '.cpp', '.p', '.f', '.F', '.m', '.r', '.y',
1 '.l', '.ym', '.lm', '.s', '.S', '.mod', '.sym', '.def', '.h', '.info',
1 '.dvi', '.tex', '.texinfo', '.texi', '.txinfo', '.w', '.ch' '.web',
1 '.sh', '.elc', '.el'.  All of the implicit rules described below whose
1 prerequisites have one of these suffixes are actually suffix rules.  If
1 you modify the suffix list, the only predefined suffix rules in effect
1 will be those named by one or two of the suffixes that are on the list
1 you specify; rules whose suffixes fail to be on the list are disabled.
1 ⇒Old-Fashioned Suffix Rules Suffix Rules, for full details on
1 suffix rules.
1 Compiling C programs
1      'N.o' is made automatically from 'N.c' with a recipe of the form
1      '$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c'.
1 Compiling C++ programs
1      'N.o' is made automatically from '', 'N.cpp', or 'N.C' with a
1      recipe of the form '$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c'.  We
1      encourage you to use the suffix '.cc' for C++ source files instead
1      of '.C'.
1 Compiling Pascal programs
1      'N.o' is made automatically from 'N.p' with the recipe '$(PC)
1      $(PFLAGS) -c'.
1 Compiling Fortran and Ratfor programs
1      'N.o' is made automatically from 'N.r', 'N.F' or 'N.f' by running
1      the Fortran compiler.  The precise recipe used is as follows:
1      '.f'
1           '$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c'.
1      '.F'
1           '$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c'.
1      '.r'
1           '$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(RFLAGS) -c'.
1 Preprocessing Fortran and Ratfor programs
1      'N.f' is made automatically from 'N.r' or 'N.F'.  This rule runs
1      just the preprocessor to convert a Ratfor or preprocessable Fortran
1      program into a strict Fortran program.  The precise recipe used is
1      as follows:
1      '.F'
1           '$(FC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(FFLAGS) -F'.
1      '.r'
1           '$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(RFLAGS) -F'.
1 Compiling Modula-2 programs
1      'N.sym' is made from 'N.def' with a recipe of the form '$(M2C)
1      $(M2FLAGS) $(DEFFLAGS)'.  'N.o' is made from 'N.mod'; the form is:
1      '$(M2C) $(M2FLAGS) $(MODFLAGS)'.
1 Assembling and preprocessing assembler programs
1      'N.o' is made automatically from 'N.s' by running the assembler,
1      'as'.  The precise recipe is '$(AS) $(ASFLAGS)'.
1      'N.s' is made automatically from 'N.S' by running the C
1      preprocessor, 'cpp'.  The precise recipe is '$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS)'.
1 Linking a single object file
1      'N' is made automatically from 'N.o' by running the linker (usually
1      called 'ld') via the C compiler.  The precise recipe used is
1      '$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) N.o $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS)'.
1      This rule does the right thing for a simple program with only one
1      source file.  It will also do the right thing if there are multiple
1      object files (presumably coming from various other source files),
1      one of which has a name matching that of the executable file.
1      Thus,
1           x: y.o z.o
1      when 'x.c', 'y.c' and 'z.c' all exist will execute:
1           cc -c x.c -o x.o
1           cc -c y.c -o y.o
1           cc -c z.c -o z.o
1           cc x.o y.o z.o -o x
1           rm -f x.o
1           rm -f y.o
1           rm -f z.o
1      In more complicated cases, such as when there is no object file
1      whose name derives from the executable file name, you must write an
1      explicit recipe for linking.
1      Each kind of file automatically made into '.o' object files will be
1      automatically linked by using the compiler ('$(CC)', '$(FC)' or
1      '$(PC)'; the C compiler '$(CC)' is used to assemble '.s' files)
1      without the '-c' option.  This could be done by using the '.o'
1      object files as intermediates, but it is faster to do the compiling
1      and linking in one step, so that's how it's done.
1 Yacc for C programs
1      'N.c' is made automatically from 'N.y' by running Yacc with the
1      recipe '$(YACC) $(YFLAGS)'.
1 Lex for C programs
1      'N.c' is made automatically from 'N.l' by running Lex.  The actual
1      recipe is '$(LEX) $(LFLAGS)'.
1 Lex for Ratfor programs
1      'N.r' is made automatically from 'N.l' by running Lex.  The actual
1      recipe is '$(LEX) $(LFLAGS)'.
1      The convention of using the same suffix '.l' for all Lex files
1      regardless of whether they produce C code or Ratfor code makes it
1      impossible for 'make' to determine automatically which of the two
1      languages you are using in any particular case.  If 'make' is
1      called upon to remake an object file from a '.l' file, it must
1      guess which compiler to use.  It will guess the C compiler, because
1      that is more common.  If you are using Ratfor, make sure 'make'
1      knows this by mentioning 'N.r' in the makefile.  Or, if you are
1      using Ratfor exclusively, with no C files, remove '.c' from the
1      list of implicit rule suffixes with:
1           .SUFFIXES:
1           .SUFFIXES: .o .r .f .l ...
1 Making Lint Libraries from C, Yacc, or Lex programs
1      'N.ln' is made from 'N.c' by running 'lint'.  The precise recipe is
1      '$(LINT) $(LINTFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -i'.  The same recipe is used on
1      the C code produced from 'N.y' or 'N.l'.
1 TeX and Web
1      'N.dvi' is made from 'N.tex' with the recipe '$(TEX)'.  'N.tex' is
1      made from 'N.web' with '$(WEAVE)', or from 'N.w' (and from ''
1      if it exists or can be made) with '$(CWEAVE)'.  'N.p' is made from
1      'N.web' with '$(TANGLE)' and 'N.c' is made from 'N.w' (and from
1      '' if it exists or can be made) with '$(CTANGLE)'.
1 Texinfo and Info
1      'N.dvi' is made from 'N.texinfo', 'N.texi', or 'N.txinfo', with the
1      recipe '$(TEXI2DVI) $(TEXI2DVI_FLAGS)'.  '' is made from
1      'N.texinfo', 'N.texi', or 'N.txinfo', with the recipe
1      Any file 'N' is extracted if necessary from an RCS file named
1      either 'N,v' or 'RCS/N,v'.  The precise recipe used is
1      '$(CO) $(COFLAGS)'.  'N' will not be extracted from RCS if it
1      already exists, even if the RCS file is newer.  The rules for RCS
11      are terminal (⇒Match-Anything Pattern Rules Match-Anything
      Rules.), so RCS files cannot be generated from another source; they
1      must actually exist.
1      Any file 'N' is extracted if necessary from an SCCS file named
1      either 's.N' or 'SCCS/s.N'.  The precise recipe used is
11      '$(GET) $(GFLAGS)'.  The rules for SCCS are terminal (⇒
      Match-Anything Pattern Rules Match-Anything Rules.), so SCCS files
1      cannot be generated from another source; they must actually exist.
1      For the benefit of SCCS, a file 'N' is copied from '' and made
1      executable (by everyone).  This is for shell scripts that are
1      checked into SCCS. Since RCS preserves the execution permission of
1      a file, you do not need to use this feature with RCS.
1      We recommend that you avoid using of SCCS. RCS is widely held to be
1      superior, and is also free.  By choosing free software in place of
1      comparable (or inferior) proprietary software, you support the free
1      software movement.
1    Usually, you want to change only the variables listed in the table
1 above, which are documented in the following section.
1    However, the recipes in built-in implicit rules actually use
1 variables such as 'COMPILE.c', 'LINK.p', and 'PREPROCESS.S', whose
1 values contain the recipes listed above.
1    'make' follows the convention that the rule to compile a '.X' source
1 file uses the variable 'COMPILE.X'.  Similarly, the rule to produce an
1 executable from a '.X' file uses 'LINK.X'; and the rule to preprocess a
1 '.X' file uses 'PREPROCESS.X'.
1    Every rule that produces an object file uses the variable
1 'OUTPUT_OPTION'.  'make' defines this variable either to contain '-o
1 $@', or to be empty, depending on a compile-time option.  You need the
1 '-o' option to ensure that the output goes into the right file when the
11 source file is in a different directory, as when using 'VPATH' (⇒
 Directory Search).  However, compilers on some systems do not accept a
1 '-o' switch for object files.  If you use such a system, and use
1 'VPATH', some compilations will put their output in the wrong place.  A
1 possible workaround for this problem is to give 'OUTPUT_OPTION' the
1 value '; mv $*.o $@'.