m4: Dumpdef

1 7.1 Displaying macro definitions
1 ================================
1 If you want to see what a name expands into, you can use the builtin
1 'dumpdef':
1  -- Builtin: dumpdef ([NAMES...])
1      Accepts any number of arguments.  If called without any arguments,
1      it displays the definitions of all known names, otherwise it
1      displays the definitions of the NAMES given.  The output is printed
1      to the current debug file (usually standard error), and is sorted
1      by name.  If an unknown name is encountered, a warning is printed.
1      The expansion of 'dumpdef' is void.
1      $ m4 -d
1      define(`foo', `Hello world.')
1      =>
1      dumpdef(`foo')
1      error->foo: =>
1      dumpdef(`define')
1      error->define: =>
1    The last example shows how builtin macros definitions are displayed.
1 The definition that is dumped corresponds to what would occur if the
1 macro were to be called at that point, even if other definitions are
1 still live due to redefining a macro during argument collection.
1      $ m4 -d
1      pushdef(`f', ``$0'1')pushdef(`f', ``$0'2')
1      =>
1      f(popdef(`f')dumpdef(`f'))
1      error->f: =>f2
1      f(popdef(`f')dumpdef(`f'))
1      error->m4:stdin:3: undefined macro `f'
1      =>f1
1    ⇒Debug Levels, for information on controlling the details of
1 the display.