libidn: Emacs API

1 11 Emacs API
1 ************
1 Included in Libidn are ‘punycode.el’ and ‘idna.el’ that provides an
1 Emacs Lisp API to (a limited set of) the Libidn API. This section
1 describes the API. Currently the IDNA API always set the
1 ‘UseSTD3ASCIIRules’ flag and clear the ‘AllowUnassigned’ flag, in the
1 future there may be functionality to specify these flags via the API.
1 11.1 Punycode Emacs API
1 =======================
1  -- Variable: punycode-program
1      Name of the GNU Libidn ‘idn’ application.  The default is ‘idn’.
1      This variable can be customized.
1  -- Variable: punycode-environment
1      List of environment variable definitions prepended to
1      ‘process-environment’.  The default is ‘("CHARSET=UTF-8")’.  This
1      variable can be customized.
1  -- Variable: punycode-encode-parameters
1      List of parameters passed to PUNYCODE-PROGRAM to invoke punycode
1      encoding mode.  The default is ‘("--quiet" "--punycode-encode")’.
1      This variable can be customized.
1  -- Variable: punycode-decode-parameters
1      Parameters passed to PUNYCODE-PROGRAM to invoke punycode decoding
1      mode.  The default is ‘("--quiet" "--punycode-decode")’.  This
1      variable can be customized.
1  -- Function: punycode-encode string
1      Returns a Punycode encoding of the STRING, after converting the
1      input into UTF-8.
1  -- Function: punycode-decode string
1      Returns a possibly multibyte string which is the decoding of the
1      STRING which is a punycode encoded string.
1 11.2 IDNA Emacs API
1 ===================
1  -- Variable: idna-program
1      Name of the GNU Libidn ‘idn’ application.  The default is ‘idn’.
1      This variable can be customized.
1  -- Variable: idna-environment
1      List of environment variable definitions prepended to
1      ‘process-environment’.  The default is ‘("CHARSET=UTF-8")’.  This
1      variable can be customized.
1  -- Variable: idna-to-ascii-parameters
1      List of parameters passed to IDNA-PROGRAM to invoke IDNA ToASCII
1      mode.  The default is ‘("--quiet" "--idna-to-ascii"
1      "--usestd3asciirules")’.  This variable can be customized.
1  -- Variable: idna-to-unicode-parameters
1      Parameters passed IDNA-PROGRAM to invoke IDNA ToUnicode mode.  The
1      default is ‘("--quiet" "--idna-to-unicode" "--usestd3asciirules")’.
1      This variable can be customized.
1  -- Function: idna-to-ascii string
1      Returns an ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE) of the string computed
1      by the IDNA ToASCII operation on the input STRING, after converting
1      the input to UTF-8.
1  -- Function: idna-to-unicode string
1      Returns a possibly multibyte string which is the output of the IDNA
1      ToUnicode operation computed on the input STRING.