ld: Output Section Fill

1 Output Section Fill
1 ...........................
1 You can set the fill pattern for an entire section by using '=FILLEXP'.
1 FILLEXP is an expression (⇒Expressions).  Any otherwise
1 unspecified regions of memory within the output section (for example,
1 gaps left due to the required alignment of input sections) will be
1 filled with the value, repeated as necessary.  If the fill expression is
1 a simple hex number, ie.  a string of hex digit starting with '0x' and
1 without a trailing 'k' or 'M', then an arbitrarily long sequence of hex
1 digits can be used to specify the fill pattern; Leading zeros become
1 part of the pattern too.  For all other cases, including extra
1 parentheses or a unary '+', the fill pattern is the four least
1 significant bytes of the value of the expression.  In all cases, the
1 number is big-endian.
1    You can also change the fill value with a 'FILL' command in the
1 output section commands; (⇒Output Section Data).
1    Here is a simple example:
1      SECTIONS { .text : { *(.text) } =0x90909090 }