gprof: Compiling

1 2 Compiling a Program for Profiling
1 ***********************************
1 The first step in generating profile information for your program is to
1 compile and link it with profiling enabled.
1    To compile a source file for profiling, specify the '-pg' option when
1 you run the compiler.  (This is in addition to the options you normally
1 use.)
1    To link the program for profiling, if you use a compiler such as 'cc'
1 to do the linking, simply specify '-pg' in addition to your usual
1 options.  The same option, '-pg', alters either compilation or linking
1 to do what is necessary for profiling.  Here are examples:
1      cc -g -c myprog.c utils.c -pg
1      cc -o myprog myprog.o utils.o -pg
1    The '-pg' option also works with a command that both compiles and
1 links:
1      cc -o myprog myprog.c utils.c -g -pg
1    Note: The '-pg' option must be part of your compilation options as
1 well as your link options.  If it is not then no call-graph data will be
1 gathered and when you run 'gprof' you will get an error message like
1 this:
1      gprof: gmon.out file is missing call-graph data
1    If you add the '-Q' switch to suppress the printing of the call graph
1 data you will still be able to see the time samples:
1      Flat profile:
1      Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
1        %   cumulative   self              self     total
1       time   seconds   seconds    calls  Ts/call  Ts/call  name
1       44.12      0.07     0.07                             zazLoop
1       35.29      0.14     0.06                             main
1       20.59      0.17     0.04                             bazMillion
1    If you run the linker 'ld' directly instead of through a compiler
1 such as 'cc', you may have to specify a profiling startup file 'gcrt0.o'
1 as the first input file instead of the usual startup file 'crt0.o'.  In
1 addition, you would probably want to specify the profiling C library,
1 'libc_p.a', by writing '-lc_p' instead of the usual '-lc'.  This is not
1 absolutely necessary, but doing this gives you number-of-calls
1 information for standard library functions such as 'read' and 'open'.
1 For example:
1      ld -o myprog /lib/gcrt0.o myprog.o utils.o -lc_p
1    If you are running the program on a system which supports shared
1 libraries you may run into problems with the profiling support code in a
1 shared library being called before that library has been fully
1 initialised.  This is usually detected by the program encountering a
1 segmentation fault as soon as it is run.  The solution is to link
1 against a static version of the library containing the profiling support
1 code, which for 'gcc' users can be done via the '-static' or
1 '-static-libgcc' command line option.  For example:
1      gcc -g -pg -static-libgcc myprog.c utils.c -o myprog
1    If you compile only some of the modules of the program with '-pg',
1 you can still profile the program, but you won't get complete
1 information about the modules that were compiled without '-pg'.  The
1 only information you get for the functions in those modules is the total
1 time spent in them; there is no record of how many times they were
1 called, or from where.  This will not affect the flat profile (except
1 that the 'calls' field for the functions will be blank), but will
1 greatly reduce the usefulness of the call graph.
1    If you wish to perform line-by-line profiling you should use the
1 'gcov' tool instead of 'gprof'.  See that tool's manual or info pages
1 for more details of how to do this.
1    Note, older versions of 'gcc' produce line-by-line profiling
1 information that works with 'gprof' rather than 'gcov' so there is still
11 support for displaying this kind of information in 'gprof'.  ⇒
 Line-by-line Profiling Line-by-line.
1    It also worth noting that 'gcc' implements a '-finstrument-functions'
1 command line option which will insert calls to special user supplied
1 instrumentation routines at the entry and exit of every function in
1 their program.  This can be used to implement an alternative profiling
1 scheme.