gettext: xgettext Invocation

1 5.1 Invoking the ‘xgettext’ Program
1 ===================================
1      xgettext [OPTION] [INPUTFILE] …
1    The ‘xgettext’ program extracts translatable strings from given input
1 files.
1 5.1.1 Input file location
1 -------------------------
1      Input files.
1 ‘-f FILE’
1 ‘--files-from=FILE’
1      Read the names of the input files from FILE instead of getting them
1      from the command line.
1 ‘--directory=DIRECTORY’
1      Add DIRECTORY to the list of directories.  Source files are
1      searched relative to this list of directories.  The resulting ‘.po’
1      file will be written relative to the current directory, though.
1    If INPUTFILE is ‘-’, standard input is read.
1 5.1.2 Output file location
1 --------------------------
1 ‘-d NAME’
1 ‘--default-domain=NAME’
1      Use ‘NAME.po’ for output (instead of ‘messages.po’).
1 ‘-o FILE’
1 ‘--output=FILE’
1      Write output to specified file (instead of ‘NAME.po’ or
1      ‘messages.po’).
1 ‘-p DIR’
1 ‘--output-dir=DIR’
1      Output files will be placed in directory DIR.
1    If the output FILE is ‘-’ or ‘/dev/stdout’, the output is written to
1 standard output.
1 5.1.3 Choice of input file language
1 -----------------------------------
1 ‘-L NAME’
1 ‘--language=NAME’
1      Specifies the language of the input files.  The supported languages
1      are ‘C’, ‘C++’, ‘ObjectiveC’, ‘PO’, ‘Shell’, ‘Python’, ‘Lisp’,
1      ‘EmacsLisp’, ‘librep’, ‘Scheme’, ‘Smalltalk’, ‘Java’,
1      ‘JavaProperties’, ‘C#’, ‘awk’, ‘YCP’, ‘Tcl’, ‘Perl’, ‘PHP’,
1      ‘GCC-source’, ‘NXStringTable’, ‘RST’, ‘Glade’, ‘Lua’, ‘JavaScript’,
1      ‘Vala’, ‘GSettings’, ‘Desktop’.
1 ‘-C’
1 ‘--c++’
1      This is a shorthand for ‘--language=C++’.
1    By default the language is guessed depending on the input file name
1 extension.
1 5.1.4 Input file interpretation
1 -------------------------------
1 ‘--from-code=NAME’
1      Specifies the encoding of the input files.  This option is needed
1      only if some untranslated message strings or their corresponding
1      comments contain non-ASCII characters.  Note that Tcl and Glade
1      input files are always assumed to be in UTF-8, regardless of this
1      option.
1    By default the input files are assumed to be in ASCII.
1 5.1.5 Operation mode
1 --------------------
1 ‘-j’
1 ‘--join-existing’
1      Join messages with existing file.
1 ‘-x FILE’
1 ‘--exclude-file=FILE’
1      Entries from FILE are not extracted.  FILE should be a PO or POT
1      file.
1 ‘-c[TAG]’
1 ‘--add-comments[=TAG]’
1      Place comment blocks starting with TAG and preceding keyword lines
1      in the output file.  Without a TAG, the option means to put _all_
1      comment blocks preceding keyword lines in the output file.
1      Note that comment blocks supposed to be extracted must be adjacent
1      to keyword lines.  For example, in the following C source code:
1           /* This is the first comment.  */
1           gettext ("foo");
1           /* This is the second comment: not extracted  */
1           gettext (
1             "bar");
1           gettext (
1             /* This is the third comment.  */
1             "baz");
1      The second comment line will not be extracted, because there is one
1      blank line between the comment line and the keyword.
1 ‘--check[=CHECK]’
1      Perform a syntax check on msgid and msgid_plural.  The supported
1      checks are:
1      ‘ellipsis-unicode’
1           Prefer Unicode ellipsis character over ASCII ‘...’
1      ‘space-ellipsis’
1           Prohibit whitespace before an ellipsis character
1      ‘quote-unicode’
1           Prefer Unicode quotation marks over ASCII ‘"'`’
1      ‘bullet-unicode’
1           Prefer Unicode bullet character over ASCII ‘*’ or ‘-’
1      The option has an effect on all input files.  To enable or disable
1      checks for a certain string, you can mark it with an ‘xgettext:’
1      special comment in the source file.  For example, if you specify
1      the ‘--check=space-ellipsis’ option, but want to suppress the check
1      on a particular string, add the following comment:
1           /* xgettext: no-space-ellipsis-check */
1           gettext ("We really want a space before ellipsis here ...");
1      The ‘xgettext:’ comment can be followed by flags separated with a
1      comma.  The possible flags are of the form ‘[no-]NAME-check’, where
1      NAME is the name of a valid syntax check.  If a flag is prefixed by
1      ‘no-’, the meaning is negated.
1      Some tests apply the checks to each sentence within the msgid,
1      rather than the whole string.  xgettext detects the end of sentence
1      by performing a pattern match, which usually looks for a period
1      followed by a certain number of spaces.  The number is specified
1      with the ‘--sentence-end’ option.
1 ‘--sentence-end[=TYPE]’
1      The supported values are:
1      ‘single-space’
1           Expect at least one whitespace after a period
1      ‘double-space’
1           Expect at least two whitespaces after a period
1 5.1.6 Language specific options
1 -------------------------------
1 ‘-a’
1 ‘--extract-all’
1      Extract all strings.
1      This option has an effect with most languages, namely C, C++,
1      ObjectiveC, Shell, Python, Lisp, EmacsLisp, librep, Java, C#, awk,
1      Tcl, Perl, PHP, GCC-source, Glade, Lua, JavaScript, Vala,
1      GSettings.
1 ‘--keyword[=KEYWORDSPEC]’
1      Specify KEYWORDSPEC as an additional keyword to be looked for.
1      Without a KEYWORDSPEC, the option means to not use default
1      keywords.
1      If KEYWORDSPEC is a C identifier ID, ‘xgettext’ looks for strings
1      in the first argument of each call to the function or macro ID.  If
1      KEYWORDSPEC is of the form ‘ID:ARGNUM’, ‘xgettext’ looks for
1      strings in the ARGNUMth argument of the call.  If KEYWORDSPEC is of
1      the form ‘ID:ARGNUM1,ARGNUM2’, ‘xgettext’ looks for strings in the
1      ARGNUM1st argument and in the ARGNUM2nd argument of the call, and
1      treats them as singular/plural variants for a message with plural
1      handling.  Also, if KEYWORDSPEC is of the form
1      ‘xgettext’ treats strings in the CONTEXTARGNUMth argument as a
1      context specifier.  And, as a special-purpose support for GNOME, if
1      KEYWORDSPEC is of the form ‘ID:ARGNUMg’, ‘xgettext’ recognizes the
1      ARGNUMth argument as a string with context, using the GNOME ‘glib’
1      syntax ‘"msgctxt|msgid"’.
1      Furthermore, if KEYWORDSPEC is of the form ‘ID:…,TOTALNUMARGSt’,
1      ‘xgettext’ recognizes this argument specification only if the
1      number of actual arguments is equal to TOTALNUMARGS.  This is
1      useful for disambiguating overloaded function calls in C++.
1      Finally, if KEYWORDSPEC is of the form ‘ID:ARGNUM...,"XCOMMENT"’,
1      ‘xgettext’, when extracting a message from the specified argument
1      strings, adds an extracted comment XCOMMENT to the message.  Note
1      that when used through a normal shell command line, the
1      double-quotes around the XCOMMENT need to be escaped.
1      This option has an effect with most languages, namely C, C++,
1      ObjectiveC, Shell, Python, Lisp, EmacsLisp, librep, Java, C#, awk,
1      Tcl, Perl, PHP, GCC-source, Glade, Lua, JavaScript, Vala,
1      GSettings, Desktop.
1      The default keyword specifications, which are always looked for if
1      not explicitly disabled, are language dependent.  They are:
1         • For C, C++, and GCC-source: ‘gettext’, ‘dgettext:2’,
1           ‘dcgettext:2’, ‘ngettext:1,2’, ‘dngettext:2,3’,
1           ‘dcngettext:2,3’, ‘gettext_noop’, and ‘pgettext:1c,2’,
1           ‘dpgettext:2c,3’, ‘dcpgettext:2c,3’, ‘npgettext:1c,2,3’,
1           ‘dnpgettext:2c,3,4’, ‘dcnpgettext:2c,3,4’.
1         • For Objective C: Like for C, and also ‘NSLocalizedString’,
1           ‘_’, ‘NSLocalizedStaticString’, ‘__’.
1         • For Shell scripts: ‘gettext’, ‘ngettext:1,2’, ‘eval_gettext’,
1           ‘eval_ngettext:1,2’.
1         • For Python: ‘gettext’, ‘ugettext’, ‘dgettext:2’,
1           ‘ngettext:1,2’, ‘ungettext:1,2’, ‘dngettext:2,3’, ‘_’.
1         • For Lisp: ‘gettext’, ‘ngettext:1,2’, ‘gettext-noop’.
1         • For EmacsLisp: ‘_’.
1         • For librep: ‘_’.
1         • For Scheme: ‘gettext’, ‘ngettext:1,2’, ‘gettext-noop’.
1         • For Java: ‘GettextResource.gettext:2’,
1           ‘GettextResource.ngettext:2,3’,
1           ‘GettextResource.pgettext:2c,3’,
1           ‘GettextResource.npgettext:2c,3,4’, ‘gettext’, ‘ngettext:1,2’,
1           ‘pgettext:1c,2’, ‘npgettext:1c,2,3’, ‘getString’.
1         • For C#: ‘GetString’, ‘GetPluralString:1,2’,
1           ‘GetParticularString:1c,2’,
1           ‘GetParticularPluralString:1c,2,3’.
1         • For awk: ‘dcgettext’, ‘dcngettext:1,2’.
1         • For Tcl: ‘::msgcat::mc’.
1         • For Perl: ‘gettext’, ‘%gettext’, ‘$gettext’, ‘dgettext:2’,
1           ‘dcgettext:2’, ‘ngettext:1,2’, ‘dngettext:2,3’,
1           ‘dcngettext:2,3’, ‘gettext_noop’.
1         • For PHP: ‘_’, ‘gettext’, ‘dgettext:2’, ‘dcgettext:2’,
1           ‘ngettext:1,2’, ‘dngettext:2,3’, ‘dcngettext:2,3’.
1         • For Glade 1: ‘label’, ‘title’, ‘text’, ‘format’, ‘copyright’,
1           ‘comments’, ‘preview_text’, ‘tooltip’.
1         • For Lua: ‘_’, ‘gettext.gettext’, ‘gettext.dgettext:2’,
1           ‘gettext.dcgettext:2’, ‘gettext.ngettext:1,2’,
1           ‘gettext.dngettext:2,3’, ‘gettext.dcngettext:2,3’.
1         • For JavaScript: ‘_’, ‘gettext’, ‘dgettext:2’, ‘dcgettext:2’,
1           ‘ngettext:1,2’, ‘dngettext:2,3’, ‘pgettext:1c,2’,
1           ‘dpgettext:2c,3’.
1         • For Vala: ‘_’, ‘Q_’, ‘N_’, ‘NC_’, ‘dgettext:2’, ‘dcgettext:2’,
1           ‘ngettext:1,2’, ‘dngettext:2,3’, ‘dpgettext:2c,3’,
1           ‘dpgettext2:2c,3’.
1         • For Desktop: ‘Name’, ‘GenericName’, ‘Comment’, ‘Icon’,
1           ‘Keywords’.
1      To disable the default keyword specifications, the option ‘-k’ or
1      ‘--keyword’ or ‘--keyword=’, without a KEYWORDSPEC, can be used.
1 ‘--flag=WORD:ARG:FLAG’
1      Specifies additional flags for strings occurring as part of the
1      ARGth argument of the function WORD.  The possible flags are the
1      possible format string indicators, such as ‘c-format’, and their
1      negations, such as ‘no-c-format’, possibly prefixed with ‘pass-’.
1      The meaning of ‘--flag=FUNCTION:ARG:LANG-format’ is that in
1      language LANG, the specified FUNCTION expects as ARGth argument a
1      format string.  (For those of you familiar with GCC function
1      attributes, ‘--flag=FUNCTION:ARG:c-format’ is roughly equivalent to
1      the declaration ‘__attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, ARG,
1      ...)))’ attached to FUNCTION in a C source file.)  For example, if
1      you use the ‘error’ function from GNU libc, you can specify its
1      behaviour through ‘--flag=error:3:c-format’.  The effect of this
1      specification is that ‘xgettext’ will mark as format strings all
1      ‘gettext’ invocations that occur as ARGth argument of FUNCTION.
1      This is useful when such strings contain no format string
1      directives: together with the checks done by ‘msgfmt -c’ it will
1      ensure that translators cannot accidentally use format string
1      directives that would lead to a crash at runtime.
1      The meaning of ‘--flag=FUNCTION:ARG:pass-LANG-format’ is that in
1      language LANG, if the FUNCTION call occurs in a position that must
1      yield a format string, then its ARGth argument must yield a format
1      string of the same type as well.  (If you know GCC function
1      attributes, the ‘--flag=FUNCTION:ARG:pass-c-format’ option is
1      roughly equivalent to the declaration ‘__attribute__
1      ((__format_arg__ (ARG)))’ attached to FUNCTION in a C source file.)
1      For example, if you use the ‘_’ shortcut for the ‘gettext’
1      function, you should use ‘--flag=_:1:pass-c-format’.  The effect of
1      this specification is that ‘xgettext’ will propagate a format
1      string requirement for a ‘_("string")’ call to its first argument,
1      the literal ‘"string"’, and thus mark it as a format string.  This
1      is useful when such strings contain no format string directives:
1      together with the checks done by ‘msgfmt -c’ it will ensure that
1      translators cannot accidentally use format string directives that
1      would lead to a crash at runtime.
1      This option has an effect with most languages, namely C, C++,
1      ObjectiveC, Shell, Python, Lisp, EmacsLisp, librep, Scheme, Java,
1      C#, awk, YCP, Tcl, Perl, PHP, GCC-source, Lua, JavaScript, Vala.
1 ‘-T’
1 ‘--trigraphs’
1      Understand ANSI C trigraphs for input.
1      This option has an effect only with the languages C, C++,
1      ObjectiveC.
1 ‘--qt’
1      Recognize Qt format strings.
1      This option has an effect only with the language C++.
1 ‘--kde’
1      Recognize KDE 4 format strings.
1      This option has an effect only with the language C++.
1 ‘--boost’
1      Recognize Boost format strings.
1      This option has an effect only with the language C++.
1 ‘--debug’
1      Use the flags ‘c-format’ and ‘possible-c-format’ to show who was
1      responsible for marking a message as a format string.  The latter
1      form is used if the ‘xgettext’ program decided, the former form is
1      used if the programmer prescribed it.
1      By default only the ‘c-format’ form is used.  The translator should
1      not have to care about these details.
1    This implementation of ‘xgettext’ is able to process a few awkward
1 cases, like strings in preprocessor macros, ANSI concatenation of
1 adjacent strings, and escaped end of lines for continued strings.
1 5.1.7 Output details
1 --------------------
1 ‘--color’
1 ‘--color=WHEN’
1      Specify whether or when to use colors and other text attributes.
1      See ⇒The --color option for details.
1 ‘--style=STYLE_FILE’
11      Specify the CSS style rule file to use for ‘--color’.  See ⇒
      The --style option for details.
1 ‘--force-po’
1      Always write an output file even if no message is defined.
1 ‘-i’
1 ‘--indent’
1      Write the .po file using indented style.
1 ‘--no-location’
1      Do not write ‘#: FILENAME:LINE’ lines.  Note that using this option
1      makes it harder for technically skilled translators to understand
1      each message’s context.
1 ‘-n’
1 ‘--add-location=TYPE’
1      Generate ‘#: FILENAME:LINE’ lines (default).
1      The optional TYPE can be either ‘full’, ‘file’, or ‘never’.  If it
1      is not given or ‘full’, it generates the lines with both file name
1      and line number.  If it is ‘file’, the line number part is omitted.
1      If it is ‘never’, it completely suppresses the lines (same as
1      ‘--no-location’).
1 ‘--strict’
1      Write out a strict Uniforum conforming PO file.  Note that this
1      Uniforum format should be avoided because it doesn’t support the
1      GNU extensions.
1 ‘--properties-output’
1      Write out a Java ResourceBundle in Java ‘.properties’ syntax.  Note
1      that this file format doesn’t support plural forms and silently
1      drops obsolete messages.
1 ‘--stringtable-output’
1      Write out a NeXTstep/GNUstep localized resource file in ‘.strings’
1      syntax.  Note that this file format doesn’t support plural forms.
1 ‘--its=FILE’
1      Use ITS rules defined in FILE.  Note that this is only effective
1      with XML files.
1 ‘--itstool’
1      Write out comments recognized by itstool (<>).
1      Note that this is only effective with XML files.
1 ‘-w NUMBER’
1 ‘--width=NUMBER’
1      Set the output page width.  Long strings in the output files will
1      be split across multiple lines in order to ensure that each line’s
1      width (= number of screen columns) is less or equal to the given
1      NUMBER.
1 ‘--no-wrap’
1      Do not break long message lines.  Message lines whose width exceeds
1      the output page width will not be split into several lines.  Only
1      file reference lines which are wider than the output page width
1      will be split.
1 ‘-s’
1 ‘--sort-output’
1      Generate sorted output.  Note that using this option makes it much
1      harder for the translator to understand each message’s context.
1 ‘-F’
1 ‘--sort-by-file’
1      Sort output by file location.
1 ‘--omit-header’
1      Don’t write header with ‘msgid ""’ entry.
1      This is useful for testing purposes because it eliminates a source
1      of variance for generated ‘.gmo’ files.  With ‘--omit-header’, two
1      invocations of ‘xgettext’ on the same files with the same options
1      at different times are guaranteed to produce the same results.
1      Note that using this option will lead to an error if the resulting
1      file would not entirely be in ASCII.
1 ‘--copyright-holder=STRING’
1      Set the copyright holder in the output.  STRING should be the
1      copyright holder of the surrounding package.  (Note that the msgstr
1      strings, extracted from the package’s sources, belong to the
1      copyright holder of the package.)  Translators are expected to
1      transfer or disclaim the copyright for their translations, so that
1      package maintainers can distribute them without legal risk.  If
1      STRING is empty, the output files are marked as being in the public
1      domain; in this case, the translators are expected to disclaim
1      their copyright, again so that package maintainers can distribute
1      them without legal risk.
1      The default value for STRING is the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
1      simply because ‘xgettext’ was first used in the GNU project.
1 ‘--foreign-user’
1      Omit FSF copyright in output.  This option is equivalent to
1      ‘--copyright-holder=''’.  It can be useful for packages outside the
1      GNU project that want their translations to be in the public
1      domain.
1 ‘--package-name=PACKAGE’
1      Set the package name in the header of the output.
1 ‘--package-version=VERSION’
1      Set the package version in the header of the output.  This option
1      has an effect only if the ‘--package-name’ option is also used.
1 ‘--msgid-bugs-address=EMAIL@ADDRESS’
1      Set the reporting address for msgid bugs.  This is the email
1      address or URL to which the translators shall report bugs in the
1      untranslated strings:
1         - Strings which are not entire sentences; see the maintainer
1           guidelines in ⇒Preparing Strings.
1         - Strings which use unclear terms or require additional context
1           to be understood.
1         - Strings which make invalid assumptions about notation of date,
1           time or money.
1         - Pluralisation problems.
1         - Incorrect English spelling.
1         - Incorrect formatting.
1      It can be your email address, or a mailing list address where
1      translators can write to without being subscribed, or the URL of a
1      web page through which the translators can contact you.
1      The default value is empty, which means that translators will be
1      clueless!  Don’t forget to specify this option.
1 ‘-m[STRING]’
1 ‘--msgstr-prefix[=STRING]’
1      Use STRING (or "" if not specified) as prefix for msgstr values.
1 ‘-M[STRING]’
1 ‘--msgstr-suffix[=STRING]’
1      Use STRING (or "" if not specified) as suffix for msgstr values.
1 5.1.8 Informative output
1 ------------------------
1 ‘-h’
1 ‘--help’
1      Display this help and exit.
1 ‘-V’
1 ‘--version’
1      Output version information and exit.