gettext: Parentheses

1 When To Use Parentheses
1 .................................
1    In Perl, parentheses around function arguments are mostly optional.
1 ‘xgettext’ will always assume that all recognized keywords (except for
1 hashes and hash references) are names of properly prototyped functions,
1 and will (hopefully) only require parentheses where Perl itself requires
1 them.  All constructs in the following example are therefore ok to use:
1      print gettext ("Hello World!\n");
1      print gettext "Hello World!\n";
1      print dgettext ($package => "Hello World!\n");
1      print dgettext $package, "Hello World!\n";
1      # The "fat comma" => turns the left-hand side argument into a
1      # single-quoted string!
1      print dgettext smellovision => "Hello World!\n";
1      # The following assignment only works with prototyped functions.
1      # Otherwise, the functions will act as "greedy" list operators and
1      # eat up all following arguments.
1      my $anonymous_hash = {
1         planet => gettext "earth",
1         cakes => ngettext "one cake", "several cakes", $n,
1         still => $works,
1      };
1      # The same without fat comma:
1      my $other_hash = {
1         'planet', gettext "earth",
1         'cakes', ngettext "one cake", "several cakes", $n,
1         'still', $works,
1      };
1      # Parentheses are only significant for the first argument.
1      print dngettext 'package', ("one cake", "several cakes", $n), $discarded;