gettext: Maintainers for other Languages

1 15.4 The Maintainer’s View
1 ==========================
1    For the maintainer, the general procedure differs from the C language
1 case in two ways.
1    • For those languages that don’t use GNU gettext, the ‘intl/’
1      directory is not needed and can be omitted.  This means that the
1      maintainer calls the ‘gettextize’ program without the ‘--intl’
1      option, and that he invokes the ‘AM_GNU_GETTEXT’ autoconf macro via
1      ‘AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external])’.
1    • If only a single programming language is used, the
1      ‘XGETTEXT_OPTIONS’ variable in ‘po/Makevars’ (⇒po/Makevars)
1      should be adjusted to match the ‘xgettext’ options for that
1      particular programming language.  If the package uses more than one
1      programming language with ‘gettext’ support, it becomes necessary
1      to change the POT file construction rule in ‘po/’.
1      It is recommended to make one ‘xgettext’ invocation per programming
1      language, each with the options appropriate for that language, and
1      to combine the resulting files using ‘msgcat’.