gettext: Charset conversion

1 11.2.4 How to specify the output character set ‘gettext’ uses
1 -------------------------------------------------------------
1    ‘gettext’ not only looks up a translation in a message catalog.  It
1 also converts the translation on the fly to the desired output character
1 set.  This is useful if the user is working in a different character set
1 than the translator who created the message catalog, because it avoids
1 distributing variants of message catalogs which differ only in the
1 character set.
1    The output character set is, by default, the value of ‘nl_langinfo
1 (CODESET)’, which depends on the ‘LC_CTYPE’ part of the current locale.
1 But programs which store strings in a locale independent way (e.g.
1 UTF-8) can request that ‘gettext’ and related functions return the
1 translations in that encoding, by use of the ‘bind_textdomain_codeset’
1 function.
1    Note that the MSGID argument to ‘gettext’ is not subject to character
1 set conversion.  Also, when ‘gettext’ does not find a translation for
1 MSGID, it returns MSGID unchanged – independently of the current output
1 character set.  It is therefore recommended that all MSGIDs be US-ASCII
1 strings.
1  -- Function: char * bind_textdomain_codeset (const char *DOMAINNAME,
1           const char *CODESET)
1      The ‘bind_textdomain_codeset’ function can be used to specify the
1      output character set for message catalogs for domain DOMAINNAME.
1      The CODESET argument must be a valid codeset name which can be used
1      for the ‘iconv_open’ function, or a null pointer.
1      If the CODESET parameter is the null pointer,
1      ‘bind_textdomain_codeset’ returns the currently selected codeset
1      for the domain with the name DOMAINNAME.  It returns ‘NULL’ if no
1      codeset has yet been selected.
1      The ‘bind_textdomain_codeset’ function can be used several times.
1      If used multiple times with the same DOMAINNAME argument, the later
1      call overrides the settings made by the earlier one.
1      The ‘bind_textdomain_codeset’ function returns a pointer to a
1      string containing the name of the selected codeset.  The string is
1      allocated internally in the function and must not be changed by the
1      user.  If the system went out of core during the execution of
1      ‘bind_textdomain_codeset’, the return value is ‘NULL’ and the
1      global variable ERRNO is set accordingly.