gcc: Type encoding

1 8.3 Type Encoding
1 =================
1 This is an advanced section.  Type encodings are used extensively by the
1 compiler and by the runtime, but you generally do not need to know about
1 them to use Objective-C.
1  The Objective-C compiler generates type encodings for all the types.
1 These type encodings are used at runtime to find out information about
1 selectors and methods and about objects and classes.
1  The types are encoded in the following way:
1 '_Bool'            'B'
1 'char'             'c'
1 'unsigned char'    'C'
1 'short'            's'
1 'unsigned short'   'S'
1 'int'              'i'
1 'unsigned int'     'I'
1 'long'             'l'
1 'unsigned long'    'L'
1 'long long'        'q'
1 'unsigned long     'Q'
1 long'
1 'float'            'f'
1 'double'           'd'
1 'long double'      'D'
1 'void'             'v'
1 'id'               '@'
1 'Class'            '#'
1 'SEL'              ':'
1 'char*'            '*'
1 'enum'             an 'enum' is encoded exactly as the integer type
1                    that the compiler uses for it, which depends on the
1                    enumeration values.  Often the compiler users
1                    'unsigned int', which is then encoded as 'I'.
1 unknown type       '?'
1 Complex types      'j' followed by the inner type.  For example
1                    '_Complex double' is encoded as "jd".
1 bit-fields         'b' followed by the starting position of the
1                    bit-field, the type of the bit-field and the size of
1                    the bit-field (the bit-fields encoding was changed
1                    from the NeXT's compiler encoding, see below)
1  The encoding of bit-fields has changed to allow bit-fields to be
1 properly handled by the runtime functions that compute sizes and
1 alignments of types that contain bit-fields.  The previous encoding
1 contained only the size of the bit-field.  Using only this information
1 it is not possible to reliably compute the size occupied by the
1 bit-field.  This is very important in the presence of the Boehm's
1 garbage collector because the objects are allocated using the typed
1 memory facility available in this collector.  The typed memory
1 allocation requires information about where the pointers are located
1 inside the object.
1  The position in the bit-field is the position, counting in bits, of the
1 bit closest to the beginning of the structure.
1  The non-atomic types are encoded as follows:
1 pointers       '^' followed by the pointed type.
1 arrays         '[' followed by the number of elements in the array
1                followed by the type of the elements followed by ']'
1 structures     '{' followed by the name of the structure (or '?' if the
1                structure is unnamed), the '=' sign, the type of the
1                members and by '}'
1 unions         '(' followed by the name of the structure (or '?' if the
1                union is unnamed), the '=' sign, the type of the members
1                followed by ')'
1 vectors        '![' followed by the vector_size (the number of bytes
1                composing the vector) followed by a comma, followed by
1                the alignment (in bytes) of the vector, followed by the
1                type of the elements followed by ']'
1  Here are some types and their encodings, as they are generated by the
1 compiler on an i386 machine:
1 Objective-C type                            Compiler encoding
1      int a[10];                             '[10i]'
1      struct {                               '{?=i[3f]b128i3b131i2c}'
1        int i;
1        float f[3];
1        int a:3;
1        int b:2;
1        char c;
1      }
1      int a __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));'![16,16i]' (alignment
1                                             depends on the machine)
1  In addition to the types the compiler also encodes the type specifiers.
1 The table below describes the encoding of the current Objective-C type
1 specifiers:
1 Specifier          Encoding
1 'const'            'r'
1 'in'               'n'
1 'inout'            'N'
1 'out'              'o'
1 'bycopy'           'O'
1 'byref'            'R'
1 'oneway'           'V'
1  The type specifiers are encoded just before the type.  Unlike types
1 however, the type specifiers are only encoded when they appear in method
1 argument types.
1  Note how 'const' interacts with pointers:
1 Objective-C type   Compiler encoding
1      const int     'ri'
1      const int*    '^ri'
1      int *const    'r^i'
1  'const int*' is a pointer to a 'const int', and so is encoded as '^ri'.
1 'int* const', instead, is a 'const' pointer to an 'int', and so is
1 encoded as 'r^i'.
1  Finally, there is a complication when encoding 'const char *' versus
1 'char * const'.  Because 'char *' is encoded as '*' and not as '^c',
1 there is no way to express the fact that 'r' applies to the pointer or
1 to the pointee.
1  Hence, it is assumed as a convention that 'r*' means 'const char *'
1 (since it is what is most often meant), and there is no way to encode
1 'char *const'.  'char *const' would simply be encoded as '*', and the
1 'const' is lost.
