gawk: VMS Running

1 B.3.2.4 Running 'gawk' on VMS
1 .............................
1 Command-line parsing and quoting conventions are significantly different
1 on VMS, so examples in this Info file or from other sources often need
1 minor changes.  They _are_ minor though, and all 'awk' programs should
1 run correctly.
1    Here are a couple of trivial tests:
1      $ gawk -- "BEGIN {print ""Hello, World!""}"
1      $ gawk -"W" version
1      ! could also be -"W version" or "-W version"
1 Note that uppercase and mixed-case text must be quoted.
1    The VMS port of 'gawk' includes a 'DCL'-style interface in addition
1 to the original shell-style interface (see the help entry for details).
1 One side effect of dual command-line parsing is that if there is only a
1 single parameter (as in the quoted string program), the command becomes
1 ambiguous.  To work around this, the normally optional '--' flag is
1 required to force Unix-style parsing rather than 'DCL' parsing.  If any
1 other dash-type options (or multiple parameters such as data files to
1 process) are present, there is no ambiguity and '--' can be omitted.
1    The 'exit' value is a Unix-style value and is encoded into a VMS exit
1 status value when the program exits.
1    The VMS severity bits will be set based on the 'exit' value.  A
1 failure is indicated by 1, and VMS sets the 'ERROR' status.  A fatal
1 error is indicated by 2, and VMS sets the 'FATAL' status.  All other
1 values will have the 'SUCCESS' status.  The exit value is encoded to
1 comply with VMS coding standards and will have the 'C_FACILITY_NO' of
1 '0x350000' with the constant '0xA000' added to the number shifted over
1 by 3 bits to make room for the severity codes.
1    To extract the actual 'gawk' exit code from the VMS status, use:
1      unix_status = (vms_status .and. %x7f8) / 8
1 A C program that uses 'exec()' to call 'gawk' will get the original
1 Unix-style exit value.
1    Older versions of 'gawk' for VMS treated a Unix exit code 0 as 1, a
1 failure as 2, a fatal error as 4, and passed all the other numbers
1 through.  This violated the VMS exit status coding requirements.
11    VAX/VMS floating point uses unbiased rounding.  ⇒Round
1    VMS reports time values in GMT unless one of the 'SYS$TIMEZONE_RULE'
1 or 'TZ' logical names is set.  Older versions of VMS, such as VAX/VMS
1 7.3, do not set these logical names.
1    The default search path, when looking for 'awk' program files
1 specified by the '-f' option, is '"SYS$DISK:[],AWK_LIBRARY:"'.  The
1 logical name 'AWKPATH' can be used to override this default.  The format
1 of 'AWKPATH' is a comma-separated list of directory specifications.
1 When defining it, the value should be quoted so that it retains a single
1 translation and not a multitranslation 'RMS' searchlist.
1    This restriction also applies to running 'gawk' under GNV, as
1 redirection is always to a DCL command.
1    If you are redirecting data to a VMS command or utility, the current
1 implementation requires that setting up a VMS foreign command that runs
1 a command file before invoking 'gawk'.  (This restriction may be removed
1 in a future release of 'gawk' on VMS.)
1    Without this command file, the input data will also appear prepended
1 to the output data.
1    This also allows simulating POSIX commands that are not found on VMS
1 or the use of GNV utilities.
1    The example below is for 'gawk' redirecting data to the VMS 'sort'
1 command.
1      $ sort = "@device:[dir]"
1    The command file needs to be of the format in the example below.
1    The first line inhibits the passed input data from also showing up in
1 the output.  It must be in the format in the example.
1    The next line creates a foreign command that overrides the outer
1 foreign command which prevents an infinite recursion of command files.
1    The next to the last command redirects 'sys$input' to be
1 'sys$command', in order to pick up the data that is being redirected to
1 the command.
1    The last line runs the actual command.  It must be the last command
1 as the data redirected from 'gawk' will be read when the command file
1 ends.
1      $!'f$verify(0,0)'
1      $ sort := sort
1      $ define/user sys$input sys$command:
1      $ sort sys$input: sys$output: